Support Artists. Shop on Ello.

Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Want to help support artists while gifting for the holidays? Easy. Shop on Ello.

Fresh, new prints by NY-based illustrator and artist.

Sacred explosions.


Night Moves.
4”x 3.5" patch, laser etched on hand-dyed leather.

@studio-io Pyxis is an experimental display typeface designed and developed by Studio — io. It started its life as an exploration into deconstructed letter forms for a series of typographic posters.

Pyxis is available to buy now from The Designers Foundry.

@jameschleeart 07.20 mitosis

Pencil on paper, 5″ x 8.25″, 2018

Warm and cozy. A Fair Isle knitting inspired pattern created in Adobe Illustrator.

7 days to order my limited-edition t-shirts! These feature artwork created from my sugar studies.

@andyhau The 4th limited edition pin for Quinn’s adventures in Isochronus is now available from our online shop.

Only a few Summer Skin 3 prints are left out of the signed and numbered edition of 100. It could make for a pretty great Christmas present. Get yours before they’re gone for good!

Wes Anderson inspired Tarot Cards, a project with Champion Productions I’ve been itching to share #illustration

Our bestseller RUKSAK. Waterproof and effortless carry. Ethically crafted by hand.

Want to see more? Check out all things Shop here.

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