Downloads Folder Management Tips

Ellp Ltd
Ellp Cards
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2017

Do you ever catch yourself wondering when and for what you downloaded those now cruelly-outdated documents? Do you dwell on memories of the last great weekend trip with your friends rather than working on the report that’s due in 5 hours?

Let me tell you — you aren’t the one to blame — your Downloads folder is!

Welcome to the first post in the new Ellp Series: Monday Productivity Boost. Each week, we will be sharing with you some small yet very powerful tips on how to boost your productivity either with introducing small changes in your routine or with flipping the proper switch within Ellp. Today, we’ll have a closer look at Downloads Folder Management. Ready?

Mindlessly scrolling through the Downloads folder with a childlike wonder is something we are all guilty of. It’s something that can hinder our productivity in major ways:

  • We can lose our creative flow and end up stuck for hours on a project that normally would take us half an hour max;
  • We may present our boss with the outdated version of the monthly sales report without ever noticing and ‘feel’ the mistake in our wallet by the next bonus payment;
  • We miss a deadline all in all, and an important one, too!

Mindlessly scrolling through the Downloads folder is where are productivity leeks. Let’s change it!

Downloads Folder Management Tip 1 — No guilt needed, just awareness

So, let’s get real. When was the last time you went through your Downloads folder and cleared it out? No need to feel guilty if you haven’t done so in a while. The funny thing is that even if you monitor the number of files saved onto your Downloads folder, chances are that over time it will fill up to the extent that you’ll run out of space! So don’t worry about avoiding such menial tasks, I dread them too.

Unless you have some sort of preconfigured settings, all your downloaded files will be automatically saved to your Downloads folder. All work documents, your outdated resume you’ve been planning to update since last June, pictures from the company party, blurry photos of your mom’s newly renovated bathroom… No wonder you can spend ages here!

It’s a good idea to clean your Downloads folder every now and again, so as to clear out the files that are cluttering up your disk space — especially if you’re limited with storage space. After all, the Downloads folder is only a temporary space whereby all your downloaded files get downloaded to before you actually go through them and organize them into their respective folders.

Downloads Folder Management Tip 2 — Manual Approach

The thing is that sifting through all the files within the Downloads folder and organizing or clearing them out manually may be somewhat of a tedious and boring task. Now, wouldn’t it be great if you were able to clear out the Downloads folder without the headache of having to manually clear it out yourself on a weekly or monthly basis?

Downloads Folder Management Tip 3 — Ellp’s Approach

This is where Ellp comes in handy! By simply activating this card ‘When my downloads folder is getting full, clear out the old stuff’, and setting the time limit for how long old items can stay in this folder, Ellp will notify you whenever your Downloads folder is filling up.

You can choose any period of time between as short as a week and as long as one year and seven more options to best suit your needs. Once Ellp has your approval, it will clear out the old stuff for you, allowing you to get back that valuable disk space you so desperately need!

I encourage you to introduce this small change in your Downloads folder management into your daily PC routine. You can choose whether to do it manually or have Ellp as your PC assistant do it for you. Knowing exactly where to find what you are looking for and not being sucked into endless scrolling through lists of files is a big time saver that results in a major productivity boost. And who wouldn’t want that?

Here’s to better productivity through technology!

PS. In case you would like to find out more about Ellp, feel invited to our website



Ellp Ltd
Ellp Cards

Ellp is a PC assistant that uses Cards to save users time and effort in going through their day. 4 themes: Productivity, Performance, Security and Entertainment