Can Rain Damage a Car in NJ?

Will Edington
Elmer’s Auto Body
4 min readJun 25, 2023

There are many states in the nation that are no stranger to rainfall, including New Jersey. With such a diverse climate, you may wonder how weather, such as rain, can impact your vehicle. While rain itself is not much of a risk to modern cars and their paint jobs, there are some factors associated with rain that can affect a vehicle’s condition. This is especially true when there are pre-existing vulnerabilities. So, can rain damage your car in NJ? Let’s find out.

Rust and Structural Integrity

Did you know that prolonged exposure to rain can cause your car to rust faster? This is especially true if you have an older vehicle with worn paint or pre-existing rust spots. Furthermore, in the humid climate of New Jersey, moisture from rain can settle on the car’s surface and contribute to the corrosion of vulnerable spots. Over time, this rust can weaken the affected areas and potentially compromise the car’s structural integrity.

Rust is obviously worrisome for car owners, so you need to know how to mitigate the risk of it developing. Make sure you have a routine maintenance schedule for your vehicle. If there are existing rust spots that seem to be getting worse, start using rust inhibitors or consider applying a protective coating. These products prevent any additional moisture from accelerating corrosion. In addition to inhibitors and coatings, you may want to apply a paint sealant or wax to act as a protective shell against the elements.

Water Damage

While rain showers are common in New Jersey, the state also experiences occasional heavy rainstorms and even flooding. In such instances, water levels can rise rapidly and pose a significant threat to cars. If water enters the car’s interior or reaches critical components like the engine or electrical systems, it can lead to severe damage.

If you find yourself driving during a flood or parking in a flood-prone area, it is essential to exercise caution and prioritize your safety. Avoid driving through standing water as it can enter the engine intake or damage vital components such as the transmission or exhaust system. Additionally, water entering the interior can cause extensive damage to the electrical systems, upholstery, and carpeting.

In the event that your car does end up waterlogged, it’s important that you take your vehicle to one of the best body shops in NJ to get it inspected. An experienced auto technician will look at the extent of damage to your vehicle and decide if any repairs or replacements need to be done. The more quickly you act, the better long-term damage, such as electrical problems, can be avoided.

Leaking and Interior Damages

Aside from flooding, there is also the risk of leaks during heavy downpours. Older vehicles, particularly ones that spend a lot of time under the sun, tend to see cracking around seals and weather stripping. During torrential rainfall, it is not uncommon for water to seep through gaps around windows, sunroofs, and doors, causing interior water damage.

To address this issue, it is important to regularly inspect your car for any signs of leaks or damaged seals. Pay close attention to areas prone to leaks, such as window seals and sunroof drains. If you notice water entering the interior, act promptly to dry the affected areas thoroughly. Using absorbent materials and employing dehumidifiers can help prevent mold and mildew growth.

Additionally, replacing worn-out weather stripping and sealing any gaps can help prevent water intrusion during heavy rain. Applying a silicone-based rubber protectant to the seals can help maintain their flexibility and prolong their lifespan, reducing the likelihood of leaks.

Paint Quality Killers

Have you ever looked up at the sky and thought, “Oh, I’m going to get a free car wash soon?” Although rainwater is indeed water, it is not the kind that is going to leave your car looking any cleaner once the storm has passed. Take, for instance, acidic rain, which may occur in regions where the air quality is more polluted. Acid rain can cause paint discoloration, etching, and fading, especially with long-term exposure.

Rain can also interact with any contaminants on the vehicle’s exterior, such as bird droppings, dirt, chemicals (such as brine from the winter months), and tree sap. Such contaminants can cause staining, fading, and even accelerate corrosion if they are not properly cleaned away in time. In fact, bird droppings alone can react with paint, being that they contain high levels of acid.

The best way to counteract these issues is to regularly wash your car with a mild automotive soap and a soft sponge or microfiber cloth. After washing, ensure your car is thoroughly dried to prevent water spots. Water spots are mineral deposits left behind when rainwater evaporates. These spots can etch into the paint surface if not promptly addressed. Use a microfiber drying towel or a leaf blower to remove excess water. If water spots do occur, they can often be removed with a mild acidic solution or specialized automotive detailing products.

