How To Get Through The Stress Of An Auto Collision

Will Edington
Elmer’s Auto Body
3 min readJun 4, 2023

There are many physical complications that can come from an auto collision, but the stress and emotional trauma can be even more detrimental. Following an accident (you could be the driver, a passenger, or even a bystander who witnessed an accident) you may have signs of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and even nightmares regarding what you’ve experienced. You should always seek professional help if these issues interfere with your life, or get too intense. Turning to a mental health professional can also help reduce even mild stress and anxiety associated with an auto collision, as well as support from friends and family, and practicing good driving behaviors (such as wearing a seatbelt, minimizing distractions, and driving defensively).

There are a few other important steps that may not be as common sense but will help to ease your worries and reduce your stress after an auto collision. Let’s review.

Think About Your Needs

Traumatic events take some time to work through. Therefore, first and foremost, you should always take care of your basic needs. Make sure you are eating well, getting enough sleep, and staying social. Depending on the severity of your accident, you may need to contact professional help. There is no shame in this. If need help finding aid, you can always check out the resources from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) or the National Center for PTSD.

Contact a Lawyer

First, you should contact a lawyer to find out what your legal rights are, and what your options may be going forward. You should also make sure to let your insurance company know the situation, as they may ease your worries and be able to tell you exactly what your financial options may be, if any. Besides these things, staying positive and trying to live life normally after a traumatic auto collision is important to your mental well-being, and having definitive answers about your legal and financial issues will be very important in bringing you closure with your recent event.

Get Your Car Repaired ASAP

Regardless of your legal or financial burdens, your car will probably have to be repaired. Even if there’s no evident damage, there may be issues that are unseen that a professional should evaluate, which will also help your insurance cover you and may bring closure to a large part of your ordeal. At the scene of the accident, you should always be sure to take plenty of photos of the vehicles, as this may help when getting an estimate from auto body shops in South Jersey. Your insurance company will probably have suggestions for an auto body shop for repairs, but you don’t have to use the shop they suggest!

You should always choose the right repair shop for you, which may be your regular shop where you know and trust the employees/owner or a shop that specifically deals with auto collision repair. You should bring your vehicle to the best body shop in NJ, so peace of mind will help you get closure from your experience. You should always be sure to have a certified technician look for hidden damage to your vehicle, and get an estimate for the cost of the repairs (which may help you shop around, your insurance company will also provide you with an estimate that you can compare and contrast).

Ask Plenty of Questions

For the sake of peace of mind, you should be sure to ask how long the repair will take, what type of parts you should purchase (OEM, aftermarket, recycled, etc.), and if the repair shop will provide any kind of warranty on their work. Once you’ve chosen the auto body shop you must see if your insurance company will cover the cost of repairs, and then you can finally have your car fixed (and finally get rid of any physical reminders of your accident lingering in your vehicle).

