Eloncity 2020 Annual Report

Molly Hu
Published in
15 min readMar 1, 2021

Hardware progress:iCAN NetZero Plus

1. UL Authentication in North America

Currently, ICAN NetZero Plus, developed for the North American market, has passed the relevant certification. Two batches of ICAN NetZero Plus have been produced and shipped with a total of nearly 100 units.



2. Production profile

With orders steadily increasing, ICAN NetZero Plus has moved into regular standardised.

3. Sales estimates

4. Orders

Since March, ICAN NetZero Plus has been installed and available in North America. Nearly 100 sets have been delivered in two batches (one batch in September and November respectively, and one batch in production has been prepaid in December ).


5. APP & Cloud management

Apple App Store
Google Play

APP Screenshot:

6. Marketing

1) B2B Channnel Development

Due to the COVID2019, marketing in North America now relies on online channels. So far, we have established cooperative relations with several large channel providers, and are expanding more installers and end users.


Due to the Covid2019, most exhibitions around the world have been cancelled or postponed this year, and the team has been keeping an eye on the dynamics of several exhibitions.

@Solar Power International, Salt Lake City, September 24–26, 2019

In order to cope with the trade war better between China and the United States, the project is currently looking for production sites outside mainland China, including Mexico, Taiwan and the United States mainland.

Oct 14–16 Energy Taiwan: Seek out suitable manufacturers and contact potential customers of grid peak regulation


This includes local visits, web development, referrals from regular customers, including installers and personal DIY users, including Americans in Baja California and customers in the United States who are installing new systems.

2) Video evaluation

We have been in contact with over 20 reviewers. Due to the current capacity shortage, ICAN NetZero Plus is in short supply. The planned second half of the year test schedule has been postponed until 2021, when production capacity is increased, and the total exposure is expected to exceed 1 million.

3) Media

Already get in touch with several industry media, such as Solar Power World (https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/), Solar Builder (https://solarbuildermag.com/), the product will increase when reporting and coverage.

At the same time, some in-depth content of the industry has been prepared for submission and promotion.

PV Media Solar Builder list Eloncity in Residential Storage Buyer’s Guide 2020


Business Project

1. Posada

Posada, an off-grid community of 60 homes, has been powered by diesel generators for about 12 hours a day, with blackouts at night.

Rising oil prices, higher maintenance costs for generators, noise and fuel pollution have led to a search for new power supplies.

The application of photovoltaic power generation and energy storage systems, coupled with the availability and intensity of local light, can solve these problems perfectly.

The project scheme adopts a distributed energy storage system, consisting of 180kVA inverter system, 368kWh energy storage system, 167kWp photovoltaic panels, and the all-day power generation reaches 700kWh, which meets the normal electricity demand of the resident population, including appropriate summer refrigeration demand. The generator is connected as backup power supply for continuous rainy weather.

The original generator single-wire distribution network is transformed into a ring network structure, and the distribution voltage is increased from 208V to 480V to improve the distribution capacity. Smart meters are installed in each home, so they can be read remotely by the EMS platform, and bill generation and management can be done.

The community was assigned a TOU electricity price to incentivise the use of electricity during the day and control electricity use at night to avoid the use of generators.

2. Vidanta

Vidanta is a well-known local hotel chain. The renovation project is under construction, which is located in the area without the coverage of the power grid. The introduction of the power grid requires a huge amount of power grid construction costs and continuous payment of electricity costs. With generators facing rising fuel prices and high maintenance costs, hoteliers are looking to introduce optical storage systems as their primary source of electricity. The designed load power of the project is 2MW, the daily electricity consumption is 8MWh, the battery configuration capacity is 3.6MWh, and the photovoltaic panel is 1.78MWP. The energy storage system is distributed in 5 sets of 40-foot containers. After the output of the energy storage system reaches 13.2kV through the booster transformer, it is connected to the load ring network of the hotel, and the future mains power or generator sets are reserved for access。

3. Residential, 4 sets of iCAN NetZero Plus. Guyana

Quotations and proposals have been submitted.

4. Santa Barbara

The project uses 9 53kWh energy storage systems with a total capacity of about 480kWh.

9 sets of 12.5K Universal PCS and 6 sets of 30K PCS provide three-phase and split phase power supply.

The power supply capacity is close to 300KVA.

DC on the DC side is connected with about 120kWp, and AC on the AC side is connected with about 60kWp. Combined with optical storage, it provides electricity of about 800kWh a day and about 300MWh a year. To achieve clean energy self-sufficiency, reduce the impact and dependence on the power grid.

ElonCity Technoology Progress

With the continuous growth of electricity consumption and the concentrated distribution of energy resources around the world, the marginal benefits generated by the centralized operation have been exceeded. As more and more users join in, it will not only fail to make the ecology more efficient, but also increase the burden of the whole ecological operation.

At the same time, electricity supply and demand are not effectively matched, and there is a lack of effective free market, energy storage equipment and effective and immediate trading means.

The software and hardware systems developed by ElonCity address these pain points.

Here is an overview of ElonCity’s technical achievements:

ElonCity Defi Potential

Currently, there are $1.9 billion of crypto assets locked up in Decentralized Finance (DEFI). Thanks to Defi’s boom, the number of active Ethereum addresses exploded in 2020. Most DEFI models are those in which currency holders deposit money into smart contracts in return. ElonCity token is an ERC20 token.

The hottest new term in blockchain is “Yield Farming,” a strategy for pledging revenue, a concept similar to liquidity mining, in which a currency holder is rewarded with tokens issued by the platform as long as he provides liquidity to the platform, such as trading, lending or borrowing on the platform. Cryptocurrencies, whose owners earn up to 100% annually, attract a large number of players to follow. Jesse Walden, founder of Variant, a venture fund, and a former A16Z investor, says that while Yield Farming can be used as an incentive in the short term, a successful deal still depends on whether builders and users stay on the platform for the long term.”Defi’s revenue distribution is a short-term motivation to drive user growth, but the bigger future is to create long-term wealth by building (and owning) products and services that billions of people use every day.”

ElonCity token is an ERC20 token and has not been publicly offered. With favorable conditions for Yield Farming, ECT currency holders will have the opportunity to receive substantial dividends.

Lured by the high yields, large numbers of eager token holders compete for the extremely limited supply of tokens.

If you Yield Farming with ElonCity tokens, you can do the following

First, “involve token holders in governance”.Yield Farming’s ability to distribute tokens directly to the users of the platform gives them governance over the future of the agreement, which is the fairest approach to decentralized governance. However, there are some problems with how it works in practice, which we’ll explain later. In an interview with Blockchain Media, Balancer’s CEO said: I think Yield Farming makes a lot of sense because it really decentralizes and engages users very actively. In my opinion, this is the only way the protocol can achieve healthy token distribution and truly decentralize. Without a healthy token distribution mechanism, on-chain governance doesn’t make any sense. Second, “increase the adoption rate of the platform”.Just like the trading mining of the exchange, liquidity mining has a very high rate of return for users, so the use of liquidity mining can attract a lot of funds and liquidity in a short time, and quickly get the attention of the market. This is a very good marketing strategy for the early development of the project. For example, the chart below shows the trading volume of Compound, the most popular decentralized lending platform, after Yeild Farming started.

Website Updating

1. Website

Users can register at the ElonCity website

Step 1: The user creates an account on the site using an email and phone number.

Step 2: The user gets the unique QR code generated by the website.

Step 3: The user scans the QR code using the PomCube mobile application

Users can view a detailed list of the power generated by each device under the ID, the user’s power output per hour, the ECT balance, and can extract the ECT from their own account to the Ethereum address.

For each customer who maintains a balance in an ElonCity account, a small amount of “interest” is paid each month.

Interest is calculated monthly.

2. Wallet

The site will have a built-in ElonCity token wallet that users can see:

·  the amount of tokens in personal accounts

·  monthly “interest”

·  charge transfer detail

3. Cross-chain asset custody

ElonCity tokens are well interoperable, enabling cross-point hosting of currency assets while ensuring security. In the traditional information field, interoperability is defined as “the ability of different systems or modules to exchange and use information”.According to Vitalik in “Chain Interoperability”, Interoperability refers to the ability to transfer assets, pay, or interoperate with information between two blocks, which can be achieved by introducing third parties without changing the original Chain. A single blockchain network is a relatively closed system, which will not actively interact with the outside. The assets of each chain also exist as an independent value system. If we can break through the isolated island between chains and let the value circulate in a wider world, it will surely increase the value of token assets from a wider range, thus promoting the rapid development of the blockchain industry. Cross-chain technology is dedicated to building a bridge of trust between chains, breaking the situation of a chain and an island, and realizing inter-chain asset interoperability, in order to achieve real win-win situation. The Internet is a network for the free flow of information, while the blockchain cross-chain network is a network for the free flow of value.

4. Sustainability credit

One of the most immediate applications of blockchain in the power sector is its sustainability properties for recording and trading. This includes whether a unit of electricity is renewable and how much emissions are generated by its production.

Currently, the systems used to track such attributes are centrally managed, complex, and prone to fraud or error. In addition, the separation of data on traditional platforms can hinder smooth transactions between different regions.

ElonCity’s decentralized blockchain network enables transparent, accurate tracking and trading of these attributes, which will accelerate the deployment of clean energy and reduce carbon emissions.

The software we developed uses the blockchain to track electricity generation and record attributes such as the carbon emissions associated with power generation. It would make the calculation of carbon offset credits more accurate, providing a mechanism for owners and consumers of low-carbon electricity to trade carbon credits to reduce carbon emissions to balance emissions produced elsewhere.

The mechanism would make governments more capable of regulating carbon emissions. So far, countries with carbon pricing policies have struggled to accurately track and record emissions.

In the future, governments may use decentralized ledgers to record and trade the carbon produced by producing, transporting and using energy. In future iterations, ElonCity customers will be able to optimize their energy generation and consumption based on market signals. And if they sign up with a third-party aggregator, users can pool their resources — providing services to the grid as a so-called virtual power plant — to help balance supply and demand across the system, even intermittently — renewable energy on the grid.

Thus processing more transactions than the current market, and recording these transactions in a blockchain ledger can enable fast, cheap, transparent and secure transactions. In addition, smart contracts in the ElonCity blockchain can automatically trigger transactions when certain conditions are met — for example, when the instantaneous compensation to provide a charging service exceeds its pre-set threshold, the user may recharge the battery with excess power from the grid — promoting efficient transactions.

However, many infrastructure iterations are required on top of the blockchain infrastructure. Setting fine-grained prices in such markets and updating them in real-time would require power companies (or other entities charged with managing such markets) to install a series of sensors on the distribution network to infer the constraints faced by each location in the network, as well as perform intensive calculations to determine real-time prices in the market.

5. Hardware and landing: Peer to Peer power trading with POMCube

In the traditional centralized power trading ecology, there are many transaction participants, high frequency, and transactions are carried out all the time. Moreover, with the complicated pricing and energy transportation in different scenes and regions, the burden of everyone in the whole chain is increased.

The ElonCity blockchain transforms the power grid into a peer-to-peer network to enable power users to trade power with each other. For example, by buying and selling excess solar electricity. A truly decentralized, peer-to-peer transaction network would disrupt the existing centralized power grid, but in reality, many businesses and individual power users are heavily dependent on today’s power grid, and blockchain optimization is difficult to achieve in the industrialized world. Starting with Mexico, ElonCity has implemented the practical application of blockchain power trading.

Traditional solutions may market themselves as peer-to-peer networks, but they do not enable a community of neighbors to actually trade electricity with each other, but instead continue to use the existing distribution network and only trade virtual without changing the actual flow of power.ElonCity’s peer-to-peer network provides reliability while saving users costs and increasing revenue.

Even though the goal of the ElonCity blockchain is not to replace the power grid, it is to enable more participants to conduct electricity transactions. Blockchain networks record electricity transactions, and department stores and even individual homes can sell electricity generated by distributed batteries or solar panels. Previously, such transactions would have been costly and time-consuming to process. In developing countries and regions where power grids are unreliable or nonexistent, a true peer-to-peer grid like the ElonCity blockchain has the opportunity to stand out from the power vacuum — trading power between users in residential communities in Mexico, for example, so that they can trade excess energy using rooftop solar panels.

ElonCity is backed by existing power and regulatory agencies. For example, it is UL certified in North America and has been approved by the Mexican government to conduct peer-to-peer power trading there. Our platform’s energy tracking and trading capabilities can be used to allow consumers to choose the energy they use and facilitate peer-to-peer power trading. Solar’s blockchain peer-to-peer transactions process electricity without subsidies.

If you have solar panels on your roof, you can use ElonCity’s platform to sell the excess energy to your neighbors. When used in combination with batteries and our platform capabilities, excess solar energy can be stored and sold during peak periods to maximize profits.

The ElonCity platform provides security and peace of mind by recording all transactions on the blockchain. On the website, which will be launched in September 2020, users will be able to clearly see how much of their electricity balance can be traded into cryptocurrency and the price of electricity. Users will be able to trade the power generated by Pomcube in the app.(More details are welcome)

Because the network itself is well scalable, ElonCity will have great potential in emerging markets that will mobilize decentralized energy resources to help balance the grid. Today’s wholesale markets can effectively price large quantities of electricity, based on customer demand in a particular region and the capacity of the plant to deliver it from bid to market. However, on the more local scale of distribution network services, there is no market that takes into account transient differences in electricity user demand between communities or constraints on local distribution capacity.

Until now, power companies have invested in expensive infrastructure upgrades, such as building new substations, when existing distribution networks have failed to meet changing local demand. But as the cost of decentralised energy, from solar panels to batteries to fuel cells, falls, whether it is located in a user’s house or on a distribution network managed by a power company, it will become more sensible to use these resources. Effectively allocating this decentralized energy can delay costly infrastructure upgrades to serve community needs, and can even help maintain overall grid balance by stabilizing important parameters such as the frequency and voltage of the grid.

Various countries have tried. In such markets, users can buy and sell energy at a time-varying price depending on their location. In addition, users can also provide voltage support and other services.

The multi-level EMS system monitors and manages the products, containers and the whole power station to ensure the efficient and stable operation of the power station, as well as the automatic operation and maintenance of the power station to reduce labor costs.

Compared with the grid construction and power supply costs, the ROI of the investment of the energy storage system increases year by year. The investment can be recovered in 7–8 years, and the electricity will be free in the following decades with continuous profits.

