How is Endpoint (EP-400) Self-Detected?

Molly Hu
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2019

As the execution unit of transmitting energy deals, EP-400 is crucial in Eloncity Platform.

Firstly, EP-400 and BESS (Battery Energy Store System) are connected to the same router via RJ45 Internet Access or WiFi. The IP address of EP-400 will be broadcasted to a specific access, until BESS receives the broadcast and confirm that there is an Endpoint existed in the local network.

Subsequently, BESS sends out a binding request to the Endpoint and gets a feedback of binding successful. Once bound, data of EP-400 will be saved in BESS, therefore no further binding is required for communication.

In the data transmission between BESS and EP-400, data of energy sending and receiving, Scheduler dispatching command execution will be reported simultaneously to BESS by EP-400.

Throughout the process, communications and transactions are highly secured through AES and RSA algorithm.

