Naive Little Girl

Chandler Brayboy
Elon’s Fairy Tale Files
3 min readJul 21, 2021

“Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault

The classic fairy tale of “Little Red Riding Hood” is a story about a naive little girl from the 17th century that is taking her grandmother some cakes and a pot of butter. She is stopped by a wolf that asks where she is going and she tells him about her grandmother. She tells the wolf exactly where she is going because she is so naive. She said to the wolf, “Just beyond the mill and the first house you come to in the village” is where her grandmother stays and the wolf beats her there and kills her grandmother. Then the wolf begins to fool the girl into believing that he is her grandmother and has her lay next to him. Once again, Little Red Riding Hood is so naive that she doesn’t even realize it is the wolf instead of her grandmother. Eventually he turns on her and gobbles her up. The moral of this story is you shouldn’t trust anybody you talk to even if they look harmless because you never truly know a stranger’s intentions.

“The Werewolf” by Angela Carter

“The Werewolf” is a retelling of the classic story “Little Red Riding Hood”. “The Werewolf” was written in 1979 by Angela Carter. This story keeps the idea of the naive girl but changes the story line tremendously. The biggest difference in this retelling is that the little girl is convinced that she is cutting off the wolf’s paw but she actually ended up cutting off her grandmother’s hand. Some may say that the grandmother was a witch and some also might say that the neighbors attacked her. Another point that makes me believe the girl was being naive, is she allowed the neighbors to stone her grandmother to death and then chose to live in her house afterwards. I think the moral of the story is that the wolf and the grandmother are a single persona. While also keeping the same point of the story that trusting the people closest to you can also hurt you.

“Cam” by Daniel Goldhabor

“Cam” is a movie about a naive girl which was published on Netflix in 2018. The story of the naive girl is that she trusts everyone on her social media site including the more popular players in the game of social media. Even though she doesn’t know who is out to get her she stays naive and trusts everyone. Then she becomes worried when her identity is stolen by someone and she doesn’t know why or how. After searching for the culprit who stole her identity she eventually comes to the conclusion of who it may be. The identity thief ends up being a guy she had hung out with a few times. She had no clue that he was evil and would attack her in such a way. The moral of the movie is that you can’t always trust the people closest to you because they are the ones that could hurt you the most. Especially if this person is someone you haven’t known for very long.,Lola%20on%20a%20special%20network%20called%20%22Free%20Girls.%22

