
Maddie Ohlweiler
Elon’s Fairy Tale Files
3 min readJun 20, 2020

by Maddie Ohlweiler

This blog will discuss the similarities and differences between three fairy tales, more specifically the trope of the evil fairy god mother figure that is common throughout fairy tales. A classic fairy tale that highlights this ideal is the tale of Cinderella. In this story Cinderella’s father remarries after her mother’s death, and the women he marries is wicked. She bullies Cinderella and forces her to slave away cooking and cleaning all day. The step mother has two daughters who she has trained to hate Cinderella and to be cruel to her. This story culminates after the fancy ball, when Cinderella is forbidden to go by her step mother but she arrives with the help of her fairy god mother and she falls in love with the Prince. The prince searches the kingdom to find her, and when he arrives at the home of Cinderella the step sisters jump in front of her to try and get to the prince. The step mother laughs when asked if the slipper could be Cinderellas, but it turns out to fit her. This story clearly illustrates the evil step mother figure. She is jealous, cruel, and rude to Cinderella throughout the story and turns her step sisters against her.

This picture shows the viewers a picture of classic Cinderella’s evil step mother. You can see by the details of her face and posture that she is a clearly a mean character, which is further proven throughout the story.

The next story we will discuss is a modern version of Hansel and Gretel created by students at Penn State University. In this story the children are in their twenties and are still living with the father and step mother. They apply the same concept in the classic version of Hansel and Gretel but on a college campus, which adds a modern twist. In this version of the tale the son and daughter have an evil professor instead of evil witch in the forest. Additionally, in this story the step mother attempts to get rid of both of the kids and convinces the father that it would help both of them have a better life. In this retelling of the story the step-mother does not play as large of a role because it is focused on the college, however she does push the children out of the house. This story is another trope example of the step-mother character being evil to their step-children and attempting to create a family rift in doing so.

This picture demonstrates a possible modern Hansel and Gretel image in a modern retelling.

Finally, we have a tale that is similar, Harry Potter and Socerers Stone. In this tale Harry’s mother and father both die right after Harry is born. Harry then goes to live with his aunt and uncle who are evil to him. This is not a step mother, but she is a female who the main character is forced to live with, even though she is very cruel towards him. She forces harry to be grounded for years, live in unsafe conditions, barely allows him to eat, as well as making hurtful and abusive verbal comments. This story is similar to the first two we have discussed in that the characters alternative mother is cruel for no reason. She also forces the rest of the family to dislike Harry as well. This tale is different from the others because harry’s father dies as well, so it is not technically his step mother but similar characteristics and mannerisms throughout the story.

this picture provides a photograph of Harry’s aunt.

