5 Projects From Our Latest Hackathons

Matt Glapinski
EL Passion Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2016

Once every two months we have hackathons at EL Passion. For two days we can work on whatever project we want. It always starts with great ideas we present on the day before, then we have fantastic breakfast and then its time to work. At the end of each hackathon we show the effects to the rest of the company. Here are some of the finest projects from our latest hackathons!


DropColour is an iOS game written in Swift 2.1. It’s an arcade game in which you simply have to drag and drop one circle onto another of the same color. When you do that both circles will disappear from the screen with nice animation and a sound. The game has no time limit.

You lose when the entire board is full and there’s no available space for new circles to appear. Sounds pretty easy right?

DropColour is a free iOS game written in Swift 2.1

DropColour will be available in AppStore soon!

We used only two external libraries to create that game: SnapKit for layout and Spring for animation. DropColour has beautiful design and is supported in iOS 8 and 9. Want to play? We’ll be adding it to the AppStore soon!

EL Booker (Design)

EL Booker is a meeting room management app for companies. It let’s you check upcoming meetings/events and their attendees, topics and ending time.

Of course, you can also book available rooms and add future meetings to those that are currently occupied.

EL Booker
EL Booker is a meeting room management app for companies

Check out EL Booker on Dribbble

Pasher 2.0

EL Pasher is probably the most popular app at our office. Each of us can post an order from a favorite restaurant with delivery service. All employees get an email immediately and can join to order and eat together.

We created EL Pasher during one of our previous hackathons about 2 years ago, so it needed some refreshing.

EL Pasher — our internal app for ordering food

Besides the design itself, we also updated the code. Backend was written with Elixir, Phoenix and Websocket. Frontend was build with Opal(Ruby), WebSocket and Inesita


This is an OS X app written in RubyMotion that helps our developers and designers report their working hours. HubPenguin works in the background and is visible in the menu bar. Adding the time report is simple and can be done with just few clicks.

If any reports are missing, the app icon turns red and starts blinking. HubPenguin makes our lives a lot easier!

Grape-CLI gem

Grape-CLI is a gem for bootstraping standalone Grape rack application.

Hackathon is a time when we want to explore new technologies and increase our knowledge on multiple programming ‘fronts’. Because of that we wanted to create something different than a web application. Our hackathons last two days. We wanted to publish a working version before the end of hackathon, and that’s why we created a simple yet useful tool for bootstraping a Grape application.

The idea came from our experience with Rails and ember-cli. After creating few applications in grape we decided that it would be nice to have a similar tool for it. Besides that we wanted to standardize the project structure to make it easier for us to work on multiple projects. Also it would save us a lot of time that it usually takes to setup a new standalone grape app.

Check out Grape-CLI gem on our GitHub

