Benefits of Hiring a Web Development Company for your Startup

EL Passion
EL Passion Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2014

Hiring a web development company shares the same benefits of hiring individual contractors.

But on many occasions you can get a lot more. Here’s my view on the added value.

Agile web development

One big benefit can be the high quality coding and design. The work tends to be more professional, with an Agile process that includes planning and daily meetings. Most companies have Scrum Masters on board, improving the development process with every project. We’re talking about web development teams that perform at their highest level and velocity. When you pay by the hour, it’s important to know what the team is capable of.

With many projects in progress, a development company has the advantage of implementing and testing the latest technologies. These companies use their programming practices to ensure you get a top-quality product. Sometimes, the tech advice can turn out to be a game changer for your startup. Even when working with two or three developers, you can still benefit from the experience of the whole company.

Agile web development teams are self-organizing — you don’t have to manage developers yourself. Teams that worked together to face up challenges, tackle problems and find solutions will perform better. Hiring three freelancers who haven’t worked together before is not the same as hiring a team of three developers that worked together on many projects.

Most companies will also offer you the option to do everything in-house: web development, mobile development and design. Having all done under one roof will improve your communication with the teams and save you time. When launching your MVP, every day counts.

Focus on your sales and marketing

The most important part of any business is getting customers through the door.

Customers are the first thing your company should be thinking about. Entrepreneurs who are starting up are product focused. But if you spend all your time managing the development of your product, then who’s out looking for customers? With a web development team creating the product, you can focus on the sales and marketing pipeline.

Some of the most popular products today were outsourced in their early days: Skype, Digg, Alibaba etc. When creating the first instance of your product, keep the costs low. Look for an outsourced web development team that understands your requirements.

The most important thing for you in the early stage is to get your product in the hands of customers. The faster the better. Focus on Lean and Agile development. Once you see a real demand, you can take over the web development process in-house. Most clients continue working with us after launching their MVP. They feel that our experience in developing products can be an added value.

Are you an expert?

There are times when your internal team may lack expertise in a specialized area, or it may be a distraction to work on certain tasks. At that point, it makes perfect sense to outsource your project to a web development team.

A web development company has many different talents at its disposal. It’s tough to build an in-house team that has this variety in skills and experience. At EL Passion, we use excellent programming practices to ensure you get a top-quality product.

When researching web development companies, try to look for a partner. The success of your product will be their success as well. Think how both sides can benefit from working on your idea.


If you are building your product from the ground up, hiring a web development team might be your best option.

Before approaching a company, put together detailed requirements and mockups. Look for web development companies that have talented, communicative and professional engineers. Look at their prior work. If you don’t like the products they’ve built, you won’t like the one they will build for you either.

You might think this can be a more expensive option than hiring freelancers. Remember the added value to your development process. If that weights in more for you, then start looking for a web development team that will help you turn your startup idea to life.



EL Passion
EL Passion Blog

The team you want to design and develop your app with.