EL Mustache: An app written in Swift that uses iOS 8’s features

Dariusz Rybicki
EL Passion Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2014

We developed EL Mustache during our company Hackathon that took place on 18th and 19th September. The idea was to create an application designed for iOS 8, that takes advantages of it’s new features.

EL Mustache — app for iOS 8

EL Mustache is an example of iOS 8’s Photo Editing Extension, completely written in Swift.

The app uses new Photos framework, introduced with iOS 8 to provide smart ways for photos modification. Changes made by app are saved in PHAsset‘s adjustment data, represented by the PHAdjustmentData object. You can always revert the photo to its original state.

To make our project more iOS 8 flavoured, we created a Photo Editing Extension that allows to “mustachify” files straight from Photos app. There’s also a requirement to use an embedded framework, for the source code that needs to be shared between the app and the extension.

The app uses Core Image Face Detection feature, to detect faces on selected photo. Then, it draws mustache on each detected face. Each mustache is drawn on position and angle provided by CIFaceFeature objects returned from CIDetector. The positions are archived and stored inside PHAsset‘s adjustment data.

That’s all! A simple mustache app :). Coming soon to App Store!

EL Mustache source code can be found on GitHub.

You can see EL Mustache in action (on my face) below:

