How Post-Launch Support Can Get Your App More Users

EL Passion
EL Passion Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2015

It’s a common misconception that releasing an app involves coming up with an idea, building the app and releasing it into the wild. You don’t just send it out on its way and cross your fingers that the mobile community will embrace it in their millions.

It is true that developers have to come up with a technical solution, create the app and then release it — but your work doesn’t stop there. Post-launch support is one of the most overlooked pieces of the app development puzzle.

Post-launch support can have a dramatic effect on your metrics. But why should you focus on it even if your app is well-received by users? Read on to find out.

Post-Launch Support

What Does Post-Launch Support Involve?

To understand just why post-launch support is so important, you have to know exactly what it entails.

Typically, post-launch support is technical and involves ironing out bugs, glitches and other uncomfortable bumps in your app’s performance. Although smart developers put their apps through a rigorous testing process, you won’t be able to account for every mobile configuration.

Generally though, post-launch support is the term for anything the developer does after launch that can enhance or improve a user’s experience. The developer should make it their mission to address every query, question or issue their app’s users have.

Bust Those Bugs and Referrals Will Follow

Bug busting is high up there on the post-launch support list. That’s because no one recommends a buggy app.

Most recommendations for things come from peers — our friends and family. Nobody would recommend something with sub-par performance.

Furthermore, the buggy or broken apps of your competitors are a way of increasing your app numbers. For example, when their apps prove difficult to use, they will turn to yours. Users won’t do that if yours is just as buggy as the rest on the market.

So if you want to get these referrals (which are essential if you have a small marketing budget) you’ll need to prepare your post-launch support agenda.

Reviews and Social Proof

Every single day of our lives we are influenced by social proof. Seeing other people like something can make us like it too.

Social proof is the reason why we buy products with celebrity endorsements over those without and why we trust the person with three million followers on Twitter over the person with two hundred. Social proof is also the reason why post-launch support is one of the most important things a product owner can do.

With apps, the biggest example of social proof is in the reviews on its download page or what people say on social media. Quite simply, if people see that negative opinions about your app outweigh the positive ones, they’re going to steer clear. This is backed up by a 2013 survey that suggests that 86% of consumers are influenced by a negative review.

You absolutely have to address what people are saying in these reviews and deliver fixes with post-launch support or you’ll find your app’s reputation tarnished. On other hand, solving these problems will also see positive reviews rise and your download numbers will increase along with it.

The Stuff of Headlines

When you’re marketing your app on a small budget, the media needs to be your best friend.

While blogs and news websites can help with reviews about your app, their coverage of your post-launch support can also provide you with free publicity. If you upgrade your app with big, useful features then they will be inclined to cover it and get the word out.

More exposure and attention automatically increases the likelihood of your app being downloaded. And once these users download your app, it’s likely that they will enthuse about it and tell their friends too.

Like a snowball effect of success, all that I’ve mentioned above will lead to more downloads and positive reviews. But that’s only possible if you create a post-launch support strategy in place.



EL Passion
EL Passion Blog

The team you want to design and develop your app with.