How Remarketing Can Help You Get More Users [with Infographic]

Matt Glapinski
EL Passion Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2015

Creating an app is just a first step of making it successful. What you need to feel the excitement of your own product is having people actually use it and find it helpful in their daily tasks. New users are not going to magically appear on their own (although some might). How to turn visitors into users? Remarketing can be a handy solution.

Remarketing — why and how?

Why is it a good choice?

There are many reasons why remarketing is a great way to advertise. Few of them are:

  1. It’s highly targeted.
    You can show a different ad to a person who visited the page with pricing table of your app and a different ad to a person who visited a features page.
  2. On average 95–98% of visitors leave the website without converting.
    Remarketing helps to remind them of your product, bring them back to your page, and eventually convert.
  3. An advert of your product will be visible on major websites
    Those are sites from Google Display Network (more than 2 million websites) and Social Media.

So how does it help to get more users?

It’s all about targeting, showing relevant ads to visitors who have taken a specific action on your website and convincing them to return and become users of your app.

For example a group of visitors browses your website and goes through few pages like features or pricing. But none of them creates an account even though you offer a 30-day free trial. Remarketing lets you track those people after they leave your website. Your targeted ad has a chance to persuade them to come back, sign up and test your app for free.

What about trial users who don’t create a paid account? You can list them as a separate group as well. Maybe a simple ‘Thanks for running the trial of our app. Upgrade now’ message will be a great idea that will make the users return to the website and upgrade to a full account?

There are as many options and combinations as you can imagine. The key to success is simple. Divide visitors to well targeted groups and create adverts that will be most adequate to their actions.

How to get started?

Before launching, the remarketing campaign should be thought-out. Few simple steps can act as a guidance.

  1. Define actions visitors take on your website.
    Viewing a specific page (e.g. pricing), signing up for a free trial, subscribing to a newsletter — these are just few possibilities. Try to make a list of all user actions related to your product website.
  2. Decide which of the actions should have a unique ad and group them together.
    This will help you narrow down the final number of ads. Remember that actions can be mixed together and you can put one action in more than one group. You can show a different ad to a person who visited the ‘start a trial’ page and a different ad to a person who visited both ‘pricing’ and ‘start a trial’ pages.
  3. Create unique adverts for each group of actions.
    Message of each ad should be clear, appropriate for the target group it is created for and different to the other ads.

Where can the remarketing be launched?

The most common place is, of course, Google AdWords. But the remarketing is also popular on Facebook since there are quite a few people using it. The campaign can be set up there as well and same thing can be done for Twitter.

You can also use apps like AdRoll for remarketing across all of the internet.

