How to Create a Product Launch Page and Find Your First Customers

EL Passion
EL Passion Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2014

Coming up with a good startup idea is hard, but turning that idea into a successful business is even harder.

It’s one of the biggest challenges that you’ll face when getting your startup off the ground. But, it’s also the one that will make or break your company.

How will you develop the idea into something sustainable? How will you make sure that the idea caters to your customers? And how do you figure out if people are interested in the first place?

The answer to these questions is a ‘product launch page’ and today we’re going to explain what that is and why you ought to use one.

Product Launch Page

Why Use a Product Launch Page?

Unlike general websites that try to convert visitors into customers right away, a product launch page gauges if anyone wants to be a customer at all.

Using a product launch page, you can display your business idea and see what people think. You can also tweak the plan, outline your company ethos and get people on board with what you’re doing. Dropbox did this by pitching a video to their audience and investors, long before developing their product.

Remember, a launch page is where you can galvanise potential users and get them interested.

Customer Feedback is Key

When you’re setting up your startup, product launch pages are also incredibly useful for gathering data.

From social sharing to general visits, this helps you look at the numbers and figure out how to further or improve that success. Another good use for launch pages is that they can host surveys which are brilliant for hearing what customers think.

Do they have any suggestions? Is there a feature that they absolutely hate or one they’re in love with?

You can also find out the demographics of your audience this way e.g age, income, jobs and interests. This will inform your messaging, pricing and the way you market your idea to these people.

Under the lean startup method, these early customers are exactly who you want to be catering to. Knowing how to provide for them in the future can help your startup get off the ground and achieve massive success in the future.

Top Tools of the Trade

Putting together a quality product launch page isn’t always the simplest task in the world, so check out our recommended tools:

LaunchRock — Having earned over 10,000,000 signups, LaunchRock are the veterans of the launch page game.

Using their services you can easily put together a launch page and start gathering email signups and data from your audience. LaunchRock allows you to utilise sharing tools, analytics and a html/css/javascript editor.

Their team will even teach you a crowdfunding strategy, how to put together an ad campaign and how to make an introductory video for visitors.

KickoffLabs — KickoffLabs have a focus on customer referrals.

Referrals are important because word of mouth can help get the word out. If you have an influential audience member, this will let you harness their social standing.

One of the ways KickoffLabs lets you do this is with their customer tracking. Each customer gets their own, unique tracking link and when they refer people from it you can give them a digital gift.

Not only will that provide your startup with fans but it will keep them interested in the future too.

Unbounce –unbounce are all about A/B split testing.

When you don’t know what your launch page should look like, or even what your messaging should be, Unbounce can help you test variations to find out which one works best.

For some this can be more useful than general analytics as it helps startups fine-tune their audience acquisition.

It also ensures that you have solid data to go on. Playing the guessing game can be harmful but with tests, there will be no doubts about what works best.

Once you’ve gathered data from your launch page, EL Passion makes it easy to turn it into an app. Our developers can take your information and build a product tailored for your audience.



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