Supporting a Femtech Startup to Initiate a Revolution

In the times when you can’t really leave the house, we unveil the power and potential lying in lifestyle apps.

EL Passion
EL Passion Blog
4 min readApr 7, 2020


Many of us are limited to confined spaces, sometimes isolated from our social circles. But it’s still important to manage to find new ways to fulfill your needs for entertainment, leisure and pleasure that can boost your day-to-day mood, and, looking at the bigger picture, your mental health in overall.

The rapidly changing environement we all found ourselves in becomes an unexpected chance for technology to help us, soothe us and connect us, while we’re trying to make up for our old routines.

The custom-developed audio player is the app’s core and heart.

We want to share with you a trailblazing project of a lifestyle application, that may prove, on a massive scale, the power and potential behind digital lifestyle solutions.

Something that not so long ago, could be considered “a last resort option” may become a part of our new reality.

An app to revolutionize women’s pleasure

femtasy is the first audio streaming platform with sensual stories for women and couples. With their subscription-based service and a skyrocketing number of active users each month, they aim to empower women and revolutionize female pleasure in the DACH countries and beyond.

Building solid foundation for further development

To get an in-depth understanding of their needs and pain points, we proceeded with a Product design workshop and a Scoping Session, before the actual project development.

femtasy wanted to build a fast web app, easy and intuitive to use for their female users.

One product design workshop to confirm a vision

Together with the femtasy team, we defined 2 main user personas and explored possible concepts for the app’s features. The UX Strategy Workshop allowed us to kick off the project with a clear mutual vision of how the app is going to behave and what the main features will be.

EL Passion UX Strategy Workshop deliverables
Thanks to the Product design workshop we were able to develop a common vision to form a truly revolutionary lifestyle product.

A scoping session to define the right product

Our UX designers created a high-level customer journey to back up our concept. The scoping session helped to further prioritize the particular features development. Within a couple of hours, we produced a full product backlog for 3 versions of the app, prioritizing the features to give maximum value for the femtasy users.

App features schemes collages develop during the UX Strategy Workshop.

We created a fully responsive web app that allowed femtasy to enter the market and steal the hearts of women in Germany.

But we didn’t stop at that.

Recommendations that build connections

Thanks to the custom-made recommendation system users can jump straight to the stories adjusted to their taste and also based on others who have listened to the same content.

Complex Recommendation structure

Custom-built filtering for ultimately customizable experience

To support the growing number and variety of the femtasy stories we developed a custom filtering menu. Thanks to that, users can easily navigate through different genres, categories, choose a specific voice without any loss in the user experience of the app.

femtasy app custom filtering menu
A custom-made filtering menu to streamline users’ experience of the app

Third-party integrations to smooth the client’s workflow

To streamline femtasy’s growth and boost the team’s analytics possibilities numerous integrations were added to the app, including advanced marketing automation and post-listening surveys for the femtasy users.

Results? A fully responsive web app with high test coverage to ensure quality and validate business logic.

It’s a challenging time for all of the businesses out there, but we need to acknowledge the unapparent chances current situation brings in the bigger picture.

We are EL Passion! 💚

We build digital products with stunning UX & UI design.

Find us on Facebook, Instagram & Dribbble 🏀.



EL Passion
EL Passion Blog

The team you want to design and develop your app with.