Why Beacon Apps Are a Surefire Way to Increase Customer Loyalty

EL Passion
EL Passion Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2014

As a business owner, the digital age provides you with lots of new and exciting ways to interact with your customers.

From websites with product listings to email newsletters that tell them when something is back in stock, technology is providing your customers with better access to your business.

One of the key ways that customers are doing this is via their smartphones. Everyone nowadays has that connect hub in their pockets, each rich with potential and ready to be tapped into.

But, like any business opportunity it needs to be harnessed first. Thankfully, with beacon apps you can now do exactly that.

What is a Beacon App?

A Bluetooth Beacon is a small, low power hub that constantly transmits data. It can run for up to two years on built-in batteries. A beacon app, on the other hand, is the software installed on a mobile device that lets users access that data when they’re in close proximity to beacons. Beacons can notify the user via the app even when the app itself is not running or is in the background.

They are a useful way of getting information to customers, such as maps, notifications or interactive features like a museum that uses a beacon app to display more information about an exhibit.

Our Bluetooth Beacon masterpost is a good place to start if you’d like to know more about the tech.

The Rise of the Digital Coupon

In the past, customers were often encouraged to pick up bits of cardboard and collects stamps. After your 8th purchase you get a free gift they might have said, with the idea being that you’d shop there rather than visiting one of their competitors.

But that threw up a variety of problems with those loyalty cards being expensive to create and customers often lost track of them meaning any loyalty was wasted.

With a beacon app, though, customers don’t have to struggle to keep track of offers and discounts. They can be alerted of them every time they enter the store.

Not only does this encourage users to visit you more (because they know you regularly have good offers on) but even casual customers may visit more often, popping in just to see if you have a deal of interest.

Information On The Go

According to a study, customers would much rather use their own devices for help in-store than speak to employees.

While this isn’t fantastic news for anyone trained in customer service, it does mean that you have a chance to make a good impression on your customers.

By utilizing a beacon app, you could provide all the information that your customer needs right in the palm of their hand.

You could setup iBeacons manufactured by different vendors or get the latest Nearables by Estimote. We pre-ordered the Nearables and can’t wait to put them to the test.

No longer will your customers have to stand around awkwardly as they look up the product info on their mobile device. Now, all they’ll have to do is walk down the aisle or stand in front of the product to automatically find out more.

Not only is this massively helpful to them but it could also help with sales conversions as now customers will know exactly what they’re paying for.

Can I Please Have Some Help?

One key turn off for customers whilst doing their shopping is how easy it is to get help. We’ve all been there; trying to chase down an assistant around the store to get their attention and we all know that it’s a hassle.

Using a beacon app’s location features, you can direct customers to exactly where they need to go.

Whether that’s to a dedicated assistance counter or to an individual sales helper is up to you, but making it easier for your customers to shop is a surefire way of getting them to come back time and time again.

At last, if you’re looking for a team to develop a beacon app for you then contact EL Passion and we’ll be happy to help.



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EL Passion Blog

Published in EL Passion Blog

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