Workshops Weekend at EL Passion

Agnieszka Dunin
EL Passion Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2016

Summer vacation is over, and EL Team is ready to rock the new season. We have started with the Workshop Weekend that we hosted in our brand new (and not yet finished) office at the beginning of September.

Forty programming enthusiasts led by fifteen EL Mentors took part in two days of workshops. Participants could choose from four technologies: iOS, Android, Ruby on Rails, and Elixir.

Each team worked on an independent project, learning the chosen technology step by step. Of course we didn’t only work! We had fun sharing breakfasts and lunches, and naturally, we had an awesome party! We asked the participants to tell you about the Workshops Weekend.

Android Workshop
Android Workshop

Android: Marcin, Warsaw

I took part in the Workshops Weekend because…

I found the link on a Facebook group or on your FB Page, and simply filled in the questionnaire. I applied for an internship at EL Passion once, so I know the company. I also remember you from WDI where Maciek Górski taught Andorid. This made me kind of like you ;)

My experience in programming…

I am finishing my first commercial [Android] app with my friends. As to my background, I study telecommunications, so I code at the university. Apart from that I worked in front-end for some time.

The Android workshop was about…

Our goal is to create a messenger type app. The workshop started with an extensive introduction on TDD and Kotlin. We did pair programming which I have never tried before. Thanks to that I learned a lot not only from our mentors but also from my partner.

Thanks to the Android workshop…

First of all, I liked the part about TDD and will definitely explore this topic. Also, great atmosphere. I mean, I had participated in a few workshops and generally this kind of events organized by other companies, and apart from the atmosphere at your place, I didn’t expect that mentors (who I at first thought were participants) will bring such a great mix of experience and fun and understanding.

iOS Workshop
iOS Workshop

iOS: Kasia, Warsaw

I took part in the Workshops Weekend because…

I study computer science and work as a tester. I want to better understand software developers and how they work.

My experience in iOS programming…

A few months ago I tried learning Objective-C for the first time.

The iOS workshop was about…

On Saturday we wrote an app to browse Pokemons. On the second day we used external libraries, and I realized doing that makes work way easier and quicker. Later we tackled unit testing, which is especially interesting for me as a tester.

Thanks to the iOS workshop…

I had a chance to learn new things in a friendly atmosphere. There was no pressure. I wasn’t stressed about keeping up with the group. Other people’s questions and mentors’ explanations let me catch up and review the code during the session. I enjoyed working surrounded by the positive vibes your team shares.

Elixir Workshop
Elixir Workshop

Elixir: Kamil, Warszawa

I took part in the Workshops Weekend because…

I’ve heard a lot of positive comments about Elixir and Phoenix, and that it’s worth to learn it.

My experience in programming…

I’m a Ruby on Rails intern. I have never done anything in Elixir.

The Elixir workshop was about…

We wrote an app in Elixir, Phoenix. It was an interactive chat for multiple users.

Thanks to the Elixir workshop…

One could learn new technologies quickly and make use of them immediately.

Ruby on Rails Workshop
Ruby on Rails Workshop

Ruby on Rails: Konrad, Częstochowa

I took part in the Workshops Weekend because…

I had a short break from coding. I thought being surrounded by people who enjoy it would make me excited to do it again.

My experience in programming…

Yes, I started learning by myself. I’m lucky to have a friend who is senior RoR developer, and who was my mentor at the beginning. I have also attended classes run by Michał Makaruk.

The Ruby on Rails workshop was about…

Our goal was to create a blog. In every part of the workshop we focused on a functionality which we incorporated in the blog later.

Thanks to the Ruby on Rails workshop…

I feel I want to code when I am back home. I feel inspired and ready to broaden the skills I got during these two days.

It wasn’t the first time we organized open workshops, and yet we managed to learn new things. We found out that participants’ experience is an important factor when it comes to dividing the groups. We know that two days of pizza is too much pizza ;) Our team realized that as mentors they need to be ready for a looong party full of surprises.

Next time will be even better. See you soon!

