You Can Now Use Messenger to Get the Job of Your Dreams

Tired of boring recruitment forms? Talk to Elpi!

Ula Kowalska
EL Passion Blog
4 min readAug 22, 2017


Hi guys! We are super excited to introduce you to the new member of EL Passion family. 💚

Elpi logo designed by Karina Nguyen Van.

Elpi who?

She is little but adorable, articulate and bright. She can help you find the job you dreamed of and tell you about our team. She will answer all your questions… and even try to make you smile! 😉

You might have had a chance to meet her during her debut: the biggest event for IT students and professionals in Poland, where she helped us with The Shortest IT Joke Contest.

Yep, your assumptions are correct — Elpi is our Baby Bot! And here is the simplest conversation you may have with her:

Using displayed buttons is one way of having a conversation.

After clicking on Get started you can use buttons to look for information about EL Passion. Want to go back to the beginning? Simply type main menu. Any troubles? Open the menu on the left side of the message input, where you can always access the basic commands.

Clicking is cool, but try to write something!

Don’t limit yourself to using only the displayed buttons. Type a message, hit Send and see how Elpi reacts. She can be a bit shy at the beginning, but trust us (or don’t, you can check it out yourself), she’s the toast of the town!

When Elpi doesn’t know how to reply to your message, she’ll tell you that.

We have insight into her conversations with humans and her replies set is under constant improvement. 🤓

Looking for a job? We’ve got you covered!

Imagine going through the first part of the recruitment process via Facebook Messenger while sitting on your couch or in the bus… Yep, it sounds great! And you know what...? We made it possible for you! 😁

Here is a quick guide, how to become the member of EL Passion team in four easy steps:
👉 Pick an offer that matches your skills
👉 Answer the questions that Elpi asks you
👉 Confirm them
👉 Wait for a call from our HR heroes

It couldn’t be simpler than that, could it? 🤖

Type the position you are interested in, answer some questions, confirm your answers… and voilà! That’s it. Elpi will do the rest!

Beside applying for a position you dreamed of, you can also see benefits and requirements of a selected job offer.

Last but not least there are cool side effects of our work, like an internal game, random gifs & other easter eggs… but we won’t reveal more details. You’ll need to find them yourself. 😁

Just a quick tech update

Technologies we used to create Elpi are Hanami and There will be a bunch of useful info about these two in the forthcoming posts, so keep watching! 😉

And what’s even cooler…

We wanted EL Passion Messenger Bot to be an open source project so that anyone can use it in her/his own purposes. You can find its source code on our GitHub.

Keep calm and start typing!

Enough reading. Wanna speak with Elpi and check how terrific creature she is? You can do it by reaching her here. You can also choose the fancier way — go to Messenger application in your phone and scan the code below:

Scan me!

We would appreciate any feedback you can give us. 🙌

And in the end... fun fact: once I caught my cat chatting with Elpi! I think he really liked her and looked quite fascinated by some of the features — especially the one with gifs (pic rel). 😸

Brajan vs. Elpi

Have fun! Also, good luck applying & see ya in EL Passion! 🖖👊🤞

Tap the 👏 button if you found this article useful!

About the Author
Ula is Backend Developer at EL Passion. You can find her on LinkedIn or check her GitHub account.

Find EL Passion on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.💚

🤖 If you’d like to build a bot, let us know here.

