10 minutes to start an IBM Cloud app

Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2017

I went to workshop about IBM Cloud at Team AstroLabs For the Startup Weekend Dubai

*The workshop used a web Graphics User Interface — GUI — but I will use command line Interface -CLI -.

Step 1

Sing up and activate your e-mail by clicking in the following URL

Step 2

Create Folder and Open the CMD

Step 3

Note : you must have https://desktop.github.com/

Clone the example git rep. by writing the following in the command line

git clone https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/personality-insights-python.git

Step 4

you will get the following folder

writing the following in the command line

cd personality-insights-python

It will change directory to personality-insights-python

Step 5

Edit the manifest.yml file and change the <application-name> to something unique.

- name: <application-name>
command: python server.py
path: .
memory: 256M
— personality-insights-service

Step 6

Edit the manifest.yml file and change the plan to lite

Step 7

writing the following in the command line

cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net

Step 8

writing the following in the command line and change xxxxxxx@gmail.com to your account Email

cf login -u xxxxxxx@gmail.com

Step 9

writing the following in the command line

cf create-service personality_insights lite personality-insights-service

it will take some time and last lines will be

I would like also to thank IBM team

