Community platform upgrade and beyond

Michael Stephen
Elrond Community
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2019

One of the perks of being part of a community is getting to know each and every member and work together to create something truly amazing. As one of our most active community members said:

“It has been a great journey so far and the biggest gift has been the friends I met along the way!”

As here we strive to match the enthusiasm and creativity of our community, we want to announce that our favorite gathering place is getting a refurbish: The community platform is getting a more competitive environment with the addition of the TASKS tab, that will be an extension and much needed upgrade of our beloved Community Flash Campaigns.

What to expect:

  • A polished and improved dashboard
  • A new TASKS board, for task management
  • A more structured reward system

With this upgrade we seek to improve the way we communicate with the community in terms of goals, to align the incentives exactly where they are needed, without further interference.

To better explain it, the new TASKS tab will have daily/weekly tasks, that will be similar in structure to our Community Flash Campaigns, meaning you will be able to see the tasks that are available to participate directly on the platform. It will also offer you details about the established timeframe for the task, the rewards and the exact description. We will also have more specific tasks that will require certain skill sets and in order to assign the duty to the most suited community members we can ask each of you to submit a certain reason/reference to prove that you are up to the task you want to participate in.

We are honoured to be working with dedicated community members that have gone above and beyond to make Elrond a successful story and with this taught we announce that the start of our 5th wave of community contributions will be on Monday the 16th.

