Elrond community contribution

Elrond Community
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2019

My start

I began to be interested in blockchain technologies in the spring, when the rapid growth of the cryptocurrency market began. As an investor, I invested part of my savings in cryptocurrency. As it turned out, I did not lose. I was trading on the exchange Binance and invest in different cryptocurrencies, and has participated in several ICO. It was at this time that I was studying blockchain technology and I was interested in Mainnet.

The first serious project in which I took part was the project Pangaea from Harmony. Having their own Mainnet, they tested a new network. That’s when I first got to know VPS, Linux, Ubuntu and Debian. For two months I took part in this.

But unfortunately the project fell apart due to lack of staff. One of the employees started studying )). The planned phase never took place. But the benefits of the knowledge remained. I liked the TMUX multiplexer and its background mode capability on VPN. This is a very useful utility for Mainnet in General. For Elrond I also use tmux.

I joined the Elrond community as an ERD holder. And of course to Testnet. Since version 1.0.16 I joined as an enthusiast. I learned a lot of new things with Elrond-the Goalig language, the Secure Proof of Stake mechanism. I was struck by the new architecture of the blockchain, its scalability and speed of transactions. And I made the right decision-to participate in this before Mainnet. And later become a participant and investor.

Moving to the cloud

I have always understood that Windows is not the best solution for Mainnet. And I made several independent attempts to start a node on VPS with Linux, but there were problems with Goaling, root rights and lack of knowledge. I did not give up these attempts, realizing that I need to run only through TMUX. There was also a failed launch on AWS with Linux2 package due to incompatible commands. If not for the friendly help of the community, it would be difficult for me to do it.

I was actively helped in this by other members of the community. Among them I want to highlight Sorin, who taught me in the private channel Riot, as like a little kid. It took him about 5 hours. So did Alwin, who personally helped me migrate the node to a VPS with Debian using his own script package.

When the time came of Battle of the Nodes — I was ready. This epic battle of validators. It’s a competitive spirit. Round by round we found more bugs so that developers could fix them and solve new problems. Complicating the code and adding new features, making Elrond better. Looking for vulnerabilities for attacks we learn together to strengthen our nodes to avoid attacks in the future network. By completing missions and transactions we are trying to prove that our node is faster, more secure and better.

I am very proud to be a member of Battle of Nodes. These are new acquaintances. Every day we get to know more people from different continents. We share our knowledge and worries. Surprisingly. At the beginning of this journey we had less than 200 knots, and now 900. This is an unforgettable communication in Telegram, Riot, on the forum, despite the high competition.

My contribution

The main positive side — I learned much more about the architecture of the blockchain. Of course it is difficult to be a validator for such a long time, perform missions and look for bugs and vulnerabilities. Of course, this requires time, effort and certain costs to rent a VPS server.

So I decided to make a contribution to help other participants-I wrote a detailed manual on Medium on how to run nodes on VPS for free during the trial period. This will allow participants to save money to participate in the Battle of Nodes. You can read it at this link

I also recorded a video tutorial for beginners, where I show how to do it on the example of running one node on Ubuntu and one node on Debian from different cloud provaders. It also details how to migrate your keys from Windows and create the correct VPS instance. This is in addition to the main article.

All this will make it easy to switch to Linux. And understand that the future Mainnet should be on VPS and only on Linux. That will give network stability, reliability and hands-free. The launch of Mainnet is scheduled for the end of December.

Community contribution

I’m sure many Battle of Nodes members will become Mainnet members. The Elrond community helps us in this by rewarding the 200–300 most active participants with awards in the ERD token at the end of each wave. Now there is a fourth wave. Battle of Nodes will also have its own rewards for each node launched. Many run up to 6 nodes to increase the chances of winning places. This certainly helps to accumulate more tokens for The mainnet launch. That will allow you to become a member of Mainnet for free. I am also sure that many investors will also be interested in investing their own funds. If it were not for the contribution of the community and the Elrond team to the assistance and technical training of future node operators, Mainnet would not be able to live so fast.

Such a responsive community I have not met anywhere else. This is the main advantage over other projects. Together with the new blockchain technology, this sets us apart from others. I’m glad to be a part of it. Together we will build the fastest and most reliable blockchain. Mainnet, which does not require energy-intensive mining capacity.

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