My Contribution to Elrond

Evaluating our self is sounds like crazy to everyone and sometimes this is the hard part to do, have you remember when your applying for a job and you ask by the interviewer to give your strength and weaknesses?. For me weaknesses is hard to answer because as a person we are ashamed to accept that we have weaknesses, this negative of our self can become our strength when we conquer it.

Wave 4 is very challenging phase for me, especially on Battle of the Nodes where my basic knowledge on Linux being test, I can not do this without the help of fellow community member, they are very helpful and do not hesitate to share their skills and knowledge, I will not mention you guys but thank you so much for helping us, proving that Elrond Community is very helpful.

I think the best contribution that I shared to everyone especially in BON is on doing some video and written tutorials on how the step by step running of validator, For me it’s very difficult doing that’s not familiar to you, so the video that I made help me and other node runner to be able to run their node on easy way, video tutorial is the best tool for learning many different things because you can see actually the output in advanced and you can compare it with your work. I also active on tweeting and inviting people to explore Elrond and tell them its unique technology that can help nourishing the future of blockchain technology. The things that I want to improve in my self is being disorganized, I need to take some notes that I can easily pull out in case needed, doing the videos and written tutorials more professional and easy to follow. I need also to improve my knowledge in Linux and other Programming languages and improved my communication skills. Every day is a learning process and Google is always there all I need to do is use it.

Wave 4 is the longest wave, for 2 months this are the flash campaign released by the core team (awareness campaign, articles and the BON) I think the community can honestly say that they learned many things from those campaign that they don’t ever experienced in other projects, Elrond core team unleashed our l hidden talents, like doing articles,gif,videos and other quality content. You guys rock our world as community, engagement between the core team and community is doing great, questioned being answered professionally and all suggestion and sentiment is taking into consideration. I know majority of the community member is very satisfied on how you handle the project and how the community is being treated. The project is on the right track, the promised for the mainnet launch is on mid-late of December 2019, we are excited as community that the project we involved is now doing great and will be launch in the coming weeks, so much progress happens for the 2 months and we as community are very proud and continue to contribute for the bright future of Elrond.

One thing maybe some other community member disappointed is on dropping the windows version running the node, but I think this is necessary to improved much more on technology and move forward, many worries that they cannot run node on Linux but you provide lots of help and even doing some one on one tutorial on Validators telegram proving that no one should left behind. To solve the issue on windows, you provide 4 staking provider that will make easier to delegate node and stake flawlessly. As a community I am satisfied on how you manage the projects and the community, I think after mainnet we can now focus on massive marketing and more engagement on the community. So far so good, some extension on BON but its necessary for improvements of the testnet and give extra rewards for those want to particpate.

Excellent Leadership Responsible Outstanding Noble Dynamic Core Team

