The power of teamwork

Michael Stephen
Elrond Community
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2019

The Process

As in any process of evolution the natural step for our community is to have it become more and more involved in the process of shaping our future. This is the reason we have decided to open a dedicated email address that serves as an interaction tool for us with the community in order to facilitate the creative process.

Our brand new community mailbox:

The Ideas

We think that once again our community has outdone itself and send a lot of really great contributions, proposals and ideas, that offers us an insight on the things we have achieved and the potential that is still there laying in plain sight for us to take advantage of. Without further ado we introduces the top 10 best ideas/proposals/contributions:

1. Quality interaction campaign on Twitter by Serkandereli27

Having users promoting Elrond in various Twitter threads, with quality content and meaningful comments.

2. Advanced version of the forum by TarantuloTV

Creating an incentivised version of the forum with community/team ran Surveys/Tasks/Challenges that are rewarded based on the quality of interaction/discussion.

3. Elrond quest by Encrypted

“The Quiz will challenge your knowledge of Elrond World, real and fantasy.”

4.Rewarding most active telegram members by zillabytes

Having users engage in quality discussions by rewarding the most active of them in the official telegram channel.

5. Ambassador program by Collinagba5

Creating a program for community members that want to be involved with Elrond at the next level.

6. Accessing the network more easily by githubs

Creating tools to access and use the network more easily, like tipbots, mobile staking/node monitoring tools and in general more dApps.

7. Developer portal by ZeCarioca

A dedicated web-page with every tool/documentation/code brought together to optimize the developer experience.

8. Educational info-graphics by BellamyBlack

Creating a series of info-graphics/educational resources that introduce users to basic concepts of blockchain technology and after that to Elrond network.

9. Guerrilla marketing by GabamTramyar

Especially marketing done by the community with merchandise, slogans and other promotional materials at conferences, public places.

10. Community twitter banners awareness by gailecanedo01

Starting a campaign for best twitter banners with Elrond that can be worn by the community to show support.

The conclusion

As always we want to thank you for your continuous support as part of this big family that we, together, have built over the course of these years. As we close in to one of the biggest objectives, the mainnet, we cannot stress enough how much the community has helped us achieve this. As such we want to leverage what we have created so far and continue to run the brainstorm process so that we stay relevant and connected with the overall ecosystem, not only from a tech point of view, but also from the community's.

The brainstorm campaign is an ongoing one, with each week having another iteration, as such we encourage to continue to send us your best ideas and we will make sure to take them into account and highlight the most creative and quality ones.

