500 Million ERD tokens burned on the Binance Chain and minted on Ethereum as ERC-20 tokens

Lucian Todea
Elrond Network
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2019

As part of our ongoing integration efforts into the Samsung blockchain ecosystem and in tandem with requirements from several exchanges, the ERD token needs to have an ERC-20 representation.

For compliance ahead of our mainnet launch, and thus ahead of the subsequent direct integration of our mainnet native token, we decided to burn 500.000.000 ERD tokens on the Binance Chain and mint the exact same amount on Ethereum.

Following these actions, the ERD token total supply stays unchanged, at 20 billion (, and the ERD token circulating supply stays unchanged, at 8,084,166,667, representing 40.42% of the total supply.

In order to provide the necessary integration details to our ecosystem partners, the ERC-20 tokens have been minted early, with the following details:

Token name: ERD

Token contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xF9986D445ceD31882377b5D6a5F58EaEa72288c3

Contract creation transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x75a78b14cef51547898368edc8704a5ecf77212a0368910a8177eb885e90f85e

Total ERC-20 supply: 500.000.000 ERD

Following the respective integration plans and communication schedules, we are now at liberty to announce this change, together with the corresponding BEP-2 token burn, details below:


Binance will soon enable Elrond deposits & withdrawals to ERC-20 wallets. Please follow the Binance announcement link for detailed instructions regarding the withdrawal of ERD in ERC-20 wallets.

