Elrond partners with Trappist Monks brewery to reduce e-commerce fraud

Sever Moldovean | Elrond
Elrond Network
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2020
The Internet-Ale Blockchain, product of Saint-Shardus
The Internet-Ale blockchain, product of Saint-Shardus. Available now.

Elrond is proud to announce the partnership with Trappist Monks from the Saint-Shardus monastery in Belgium, to enhance the e-commerce division managing the demand for some of the world’s most coveted beer.

The Saint-Shardus monks had already turned to the internet for selling their famous craft beers, which have a history dating back to the 19th century, in an attempt to curb grey market selling. While ordering online temporarily discouraged those who used fake phone numbers to bypass the 60-day quota of 2 crates, speculators quickly adapted.

“Our phone lines used to be assaulted by incessant calling from different phone numbers claiming to be different people, so we thought the internet might make it better. But digital identities have their limits and even the speculators know it, arrogantly placing orders under names like ‘Itsmya Gain’. So we turned to blockchain for an added layer of trust.” said brother Valy D’Attorre.

Blockchain technology is uniquely positioned to combat internet fraud with unique identifiers that can’t be forged, addressing the abbey’s problem at its core. Elrond’s smart contract system is an added benefit for the new ecosystem, as 30% of the ordering fees are redirected to the Saint-Shardus brewery as royalties.

To celebrate the implementation of an efficient solution for their long standing problem, the monks decided to launch a limited edition of their 11.4k% dark ale as “the Internet-Ale blockchain”, which can be already ordered on the Saint-Shardus website.

“We found kindred spirits in the brothers, because just like the Elrond team, they too constantly deliver. Completely unrelated, we placed numerous orders with the new blockchain-enabled process, to iron out (burps) any errors.” concluded Daniel Serb, Head of Business Development at Elrond.

