How interning at DaVinci redefined my Work-Study-Life Balance

Georgiana Olteanu
Elty by DaVinci Salute
5 min readSep 12, 2023

Are 24h a day enough?

Balancing work, studies, and life sounds like a juggling act. That’s the adventure I embarked upon as an engineering student, also pursuing a career in a leading tech startup, moving to Milano all the way from Romania. And beside all that, I’m in my 20s and I enjoy living my life. But the secret to making it work is having a flexible job that is blending seamlessly with the other aspects of my life, both in terms of applying the concepts learned in school and time management.

This is my story of how a place like Davinci Salute changed my life for the better and completely redefined my perception of work.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be accepted at DaVinci Salute, a company beyond the barriers of conventionality, with a strong people culture, flexibility and ownership. The job lets me use what I’ve learned in real life and blends well with my life because it allows me to create a perfect mix of work, study, and personal time. They’ve made my experience special by focusing on people’s comfort towards good results, instead of using old and tiring ways to organize work.

Their values of work-life balance are a guiding light. Transparency, ownership, communication, and async work are the recipe that makes everything we touch a success. From day 1 I saw my colleagues being passionated about what they do, putting so much soul and effort in every little task, and getting so much pride from what they do. Pretty the opposite of what you usually hear from your employed friends, I would say. The ”result oriented” mentality is another go-to reason for me. Here it’s not about how or when you get things done, you are free to do it your way (within some common sense and legal terms, obviously). This allows me and others to give our best and always assure a high-end result, instead of being constrained by unnecessary rules and formalities, which often decrease performance and the desire to work.

Besides that, working here for me is an incredible experience also because even if they speak in Italian, they’re super open to me using English until my Italian improves, showing me that they choose the person and its potential, and not the formalities or the boxes it ticks (or not) on a requirements list. This reinforces the idea that a workplace aligned with personal values and inclusivity can truly enhance the balance between professional and personal.

As a Founders Associate intern, I got a behind-the-scenes look at the startup world. Working closely with visionary leaders, I see ideas come to life and strategies that lead to success. It is like having an all-access pass to the startup universe.Their atypical hybrid regime allows me to see the practicality of what I studied for years while continuing to pursue the master degree and the other areas of my life.

Photo by Ostap Senyuk on Unsplash

Fulfilling work, life, and studies I’m NGL, requires dedication, discipline, and effective time management. And DaVinci, with its emphasis on balance, has made this juggling act possible. I don’t like gatekeepers, so let’s break down my personal recipe of making everything work together:

  • Organize and keep track of all the tasks : take a calendar or an agenda, divide it in the 3 sections and make sure you write every small thing, from checking emails, to submitting your homeworks and setting reminders for the drinks with friends;
  • Analyze your energy throughout the day and arrange the tasks according to this, to assure the best performance to each;
  • Take advantage of early mornings, you won’t believe how many things you can do in one day when you start it earlier: this became my productive time.

Navigating different time zones , grasping Italian words, and maintaining at least a decent social life require conscious effort. Yet, these hurdles are essential threads in my journey — they’ve molded me into a resilient individual, capable of navigating diverse landscapes.

Having a job adds a thick layer of responsibility that brings another level of challenge, but also immense satisfaction. Working as a Founders Associate intern has allowed me to kick off my career, gather experience and leverage these years in my favor. As I reflect on my journey, I am overwhelmed by a sense of achievement and gratitude. Every step has contributed to my personal and professional growth.

Looking ahead, I envision a future where the intersections of Biomedical Engineering and entrepreneurship flourish, where the lessons learned propel me toward realizing my dreams. And there was no better place to see this in motion than at DaVinci.

This experience has shown me so far that starting early in gaining real work experience is crucial. The skills and insights gained through internships pave the way for a smoother transition into the professional world. DaVinci, with its emphasis on experiential learning, has been instrumental in preparing me for this journey.

My path as an international student, hand in hand with the role of a Founders Associate intern at DaVinci, is a testament to the power of balance. It’s about synchronizing education, work, and life to create a harmonious ensemble and building a promising future. It’s about learning what your limits are while constantly pushing them.

I know that DaVinci’s atypical way of being (even though it’s so beneficial) is so rare among employers. Employers accepting English speakers are a rarity as well, so for me DaVinci is a place so fitted and well designed that I wouldn’t believe it exists if it wasn’t for me to actually work here. With their guidance, I’m confident that the experiences I’ve gained will be the foundation for a successful and fulfilling career.

