5 Tips to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Medhavi Rana
Elucidation Today
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2020
Photo by STIL on Unsplash

These unprecedented times have disrupted not only the integrated global supply chains but also the chains that bound people from work to home and home to work.

Work from Home has become the new normal and has brought forth the reality that it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change. The only way for people to remain sane and productive at the same time is to adapt themselves in the best possible way.

Hence, the following tips will help you to not only sail through the new journey but will also help to reach your destination with a new perception and attitude.

1. Art of Balancing — We all have cribbed about not having a work-life balance and now when there are no boundaries between work and home, this issue has taken a toll. However, we need to remember that balance has to be within us and we can achieve this balance by simply laying down a routine. By knowing about the schedule of the day one can clearly define the goals and objectives and work accordingly.

2. Communication is the key — It is very hard to replace the personal or human touch that one gets while talking to team members face to face. But instead of letting this act as a deterrent, try to fill this communication gap by scheduling more video calls of 15–20 min. Let it not be limited to only work talks but have lighter conversations with team members while having snacks or tea.

3. Tidy Desk Tidy Mind- As you have to spend most of the day at your desk, keep it as fresh and clean as possible. This is because what you see the whole day has a deep impact on your thinking patterns. Try to stick motivational quotes around and prioritize what needs to be kept on the desk.

4. Importance of Silence- It is common to see children running over or family members peeking into office video calls. But to improve your focus and concentration, you need to isolate yourself for specific hours in a day so that you can complete more work in less time and get to spend more time with family in the end. Keep your door closed while working and convey the same message to family and friends.

5. Practice Empathy- It is important to understand that everyone is adapting to a new work environment. There can be issues like lost connectivity, power cut etc. But instead of getting worried or furious on these petty issues over which no one has control, it is important to understand the position of the other person and be considerate.

Nothing is more difficult and therefore more precious than to be able to decide.

These few tips will provide you a direction where to start from so if you have decided to emerge as a warrior during these times you have already crossed the most difficult path. Now it’s time for some ACTION.



Medhavi Rana
Elucidation Today

An avid reader. Economics Enthusiast. Optimist. For her, writing is a calling and not a choice.