Five Reasons Why Women Should Take Up Coding

Shivangi Ruhela
Elucidation Today
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

The belief that women have the potential to create and run this world is being proven true every passing day.

Be it handling businesses or writing code for developing websites, women are acing almost every skill diligently. In the past years, the number of women in technology has seen no major increment, being only a quarter in technology fields. Moreover, according to the current scenario, it won’t take less than a few decades to bring a change. Why more women should code has several of reasons. Some are listed below:

1. Be the New Literate

In the past years, being able to read and write was a criterion for calling someone literate. As the times are changing and more things are turning virtual, there certainly is going to come a time soon when being able to code would be considered the new way of literacy. Women need to be exposed to the coding environment so as to cope up with the pacing future of technology. Women, even while sitting at home and working on a laptop, possess the power of shaping the world. Thus, women should dominate literacy as per the new conventions too.

2. You Deserve More Jobs

Be it restaurants, airports, schools or even the places you think have no relation with coding, you would entail to surf a little more only to figure out every such domain is technology-driven, and if not yet, is highly likely to be tech-savvy soon. So why not let women be a part of the coding era for better job opportunities? Coding is a hugely beneficial skill which has given rise to a highly paid work force. Women can earn loads of money by not indulging into 9–5 jobs now. Opens new opportunities likewise!

3. Bye-bye to Gender Gap

Ever since the dawn of technology based world, there is a clearly visible gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Women hold almost half a share in the workforce but probably not in STEM fields, because in these subjects, women are still underpaid, and considered not worthy. There seems an utmost need to improve the male-female ratios so as to give everyone an equal chance and stand in every field.

4. Other Girls Need Role Models

“Be the change you want to see in the world”- Mahatma Gandhi

For it is inevitable that gender disparity would take a long time to close, women need to give a kick-start for being the role model for other women. Although similar proportion in schooling, girls are found to be good at arts and languages whereas there is no major discretion in subjects like math and science between boys and girls. But, as students come out of the school towards university, boys have multiple people as inspiration and women are asked to pursue languages irrespective of the fact that they were good in STEM subjects as well. The reason I would put it under this section is that women don’t have as many role models as men have. So be one for other girls.

5. Utilize Your Creativity

When you think of engineering a software that can be made use of by the major crowd, some important prerequisites that would come to your mind are teamwork, creativity, consistence and imagination. Name one trait not captivated by women! Along with coding the needful, these add-ons are required to cultivate amazing projects. Women can be great assets in this venture because a large society of consumers includes women. Thus, women know what other people prefer and can be wonderful in coding.

Above all, coding gives a sense of true empowerment. What else could power feel than being able to create softwares, robots, and applications which function as you make them? Women learning and triumphing in coding can disregard the sexism that has arisen in several years, considering women to be less logical than men. It is food for thought that on what basis do people still believe that? Women are equally competent in any field you name. So all that we need is them to accept their potential and program the future in their own way. Once they get into coding, women will discover how delightful that is, and can have the future in their hands!

