Elucidation Today
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2020
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

BLOG WRITING or writing for a blog can, at times, feel daunting. You sit down to write but ideas and words just disappear. Writing is not an easy task and for writing an informative or an ideal blog, one needs to follow:

I. An attention-grabbing headline: It’s the first thing readers see and decide whether to read the blog or not. So, be interesting and engaging with your headline or subject line.

II. Picking up an interesting topic: One needs to know his/her audience well and keep oneself up to date with the trends and the social issues to engage them. Choosing only the most appealing topics for your blog will fetch you readers.

III. Doing enough research: It’s important to know what you write, and thorough research is necessary before you write on any topic. Getting your facts right and then adding value to it is what works in blog writing.

IV. Write as if you’re talking to the audience: With this, readers will feel as if they’re having a conversation with someone rather than reading a post, hence, making them feel engaged with the writer.

V. Visual data: A simple image has the power to make a boring post more fun and may better convey the message which words might not. Thus, adding images can break the monotony of your writing.

VI. Include the section, “Call to Action”: Adding a CTA will convert the unknown readers in your blog into leads who can become your customers in the future. Therefore, it will help you to commercialize your blog.

Blog writing is a great opportunity to create relevant content for your readers and to target potential customers. However, one has to be persuasive in his/her approach and keep the aforementioned things in mind to get enough traffic on his/her website. Even if you do not see blog writing as a commercial activity, you can make use of the above tips to engage better with your audience.



Elucidation Today

Contributes to the success of teams and startups with passionate ideation. Produces succinct and relatable content. Reading enthusiast. Language fanatic.