墓園俱樂部:Graveyard Club

1 min readJul 23, 2020


有點像暗黑嗓音 The National + 電子合成流行 Hatchie 綜合體,美國明尼蘇達樂隊 Graveyard Club 是暫休時發現的驚喜。

「墓園俱樂部」團如其名,融合了恐怖與浪漫,讓人想起 M83 名曲〈墓園女孩〉

除了有女巫或碟仙這種嚇人歌名,最棒的是很八零味,不只是現代的 Synth Pop

音樂錄影帶滿滿萬聖節風格,與死屍一起溜冰。最銷魂的是中段的薩克斯風,與最後的 oh my darling ….

It’s midnight on Main Street
And this town’s all asleep
But you’re still here with me
And I know that

Darling your loves like witchcraft (witchcraft)
Oh, its witchcraft (witchcraft)
Oh, its witchcraft (witchcraft)
Yea, its witchcraft

It’s always a mystery to love and be loved
I can bury these feelings they keep rising up
Tell me, why is a lifetime not enough?
William, what am I so afraid of?

My heart, my heart stopped beating
My lungs, my lungs stopped breathing
My head, my head stopped thinking again

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