
3 min readMar 8, 2019

這位泰國導演 Khamkwan 肯定是《阿飛正傳》或《墮落天使》的粉絲,才會拍出這麼相似的畫面感,以及這麼心痛的邂逅與分手。

事實上,他正是去年大熱的 Phum Viphurit〈Lover Boy〉音樂錄影帶導演,難怪作品如此精彩。(女主角都找得超好啊!)


音樂上〈Hurts〉竟也意外呼應了泰國樂團的 Neo City Pop 風潮,貫穿憂鬱又舞動的聲響:


All I wanna do
Is sit alone in the sun
I don’t wanna say
I’m sorry it came undone
’cause for a while that’s all we did
All I’m asking you now
Is to walk away from my life

I know you think it hurts
But I’ve been through so much worse
I bet you got it wrong
The moment you laid your eyes on me
Don’t think you’re the first, the last
God or my universe
Time to move on, pack your stuff and run away

I know you’re going to
Smile and pretend it’s fun
I know you’ll never feel (no you’ll never feel)
Sorry for anyone
But only a fool
could have stayed that long
All I’m asking you now
Is to walk away from my life


It’s been a long time since you crushed my soul
And i’ve been working my way out of that hole

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