阿茲海默症之歌:Kim Deal

2 min readMar 4, 2020

電影《雲端情人》的插曲〈Off You〉響起,當男主角孤獨地回到家,開始玩起電動。

這首歌來自怒女搖滾樂隊 The Breeders,主唱兼貝斯手 Kim Deal 的聲音有點沙啞,卻意外的給人平靜與寂寞的感覺。

然後今天,在網海連來連去,我聽到了另一首她創作的歌,叫做〈Are You Mine〉,是寫給阿茲海默症的媽媽。

「 你是我的嗎?是我的孩子嗎? 」

「 讓我走,去一個記不得你的地方 」




「 我已沒有時間,給任何事物,除了愛 」


Are you mine?
Are you my baby?
I have no mind
For nothing but love

Are you mine?
Have you seen me lately?
I have no time
I have no time

Let me go
Where there’s no
Memory of you

Where everything is safe
And nothing is true

I have no time
I have no time

Let me go
Where there’s no
Memory of you

Where everything is safe
And nothing is true

Are you mine?
Are you my baby?
I have no time
For nothing but Love

起因是先聽到密西根 Indie Pop 樂隊 Eric and Erica 翻唱 Kim Deal 的這首〈Beautiful Moon〉,才去找 Kim Deal 來聽啊。

When I am alone
I contemplate
Triumphs I’ll have
And all my mistakes

If I walk quiet
I hear the birds pretty tune
High in the hills
Me and this beautiful moon

這首純演奏曲〈Wish I Was〉也好好聽!

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