6 Ways to be More Creative

Elysium Magazine
Elysium Magazine
Published in
7 min readApr 29, 2024

When we think of being creative, most of us think of the art we see in galleries and museums

By Soulla Christodoulou

When we think of being creative, most of us think of the art we see in galleries and museums, the books we see on shelves published by well-known and admired authors, and the beautiful blankets knitted in chunky wool which keep us endlessly warm in winter or the impressive cakes baked to masterclass level.

‘I used to think I wasn’t very creative at all. I didn’t enjoy art at school, never joined the woodwork classes and didn’t jump at the chance to join the drama group. I somehow pigeonholed creativity into the few subjects we studied at school and didn’t look any further. That was until a friend told me she thought I was totally creative and that I was ignoring all the creativity I had poured into my life without realising it. I was stunned but as she reeled off a list of my creative endeavours — decorating the garden for a children’s party, laying out a table for a special dinner celebration, writing poetry, planning the contents of a giveaway prize, organising my book launch party — I began to come round to the idea that, yes, I am creative.’

What does being creative mean and how can we be more creative without having to compete with the artists who create for a living?

The word creative means


  • 1.relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.



  • 1.a person whose job involves creative work.

With this definition in mind it is clear that anything we do which requires thought,time, effort, and ideas, is creative work, a creative process. It’s about anything which boosts and encourages our creativity and creative juices. By putting our personalities into what we do and bringing something new into being, we are being creative.

So how can you be more creative? Here are six simple ways I have found to be more creative. Learn to recognise your own creativity as well as welcoming it into your life with an open heart and no inhibitions and you will notice a difference in how you feel.

1. Creativity Requires Innovative Thinking

To be creative we have to allow ourselves to be innovative — to try something new or a new way of doing it which we may not have tried before. It’s about seeing where our creative minds take us and honouring the journey.

It’s about finding inspiration, encouraging creativity and generating new ideas. It’s about sparking our creativity through inquisitiveness, a need, a want and making time to try out innovative ideas. It’s about letting our instinct guide us in a way which leads down a new path, one we perhaps have not ventured down before.

Creativity can be decorating a table for lunch with friends with remnants of vintage lace curtains, pots of wild flowers picked from the garden, or a Victoria sponge cake decorated with a pattern of cut fruits and berries. It’s about adding our own secret ingredient to a favourite cocktail recipe or making bunting for the garden out of old pyjama bottoms and pillow cases. It’s about the joy and the lightness of heart these creative moments bring to us.

Anything can be considered a great idea when we are excited about it. When you let your mind wander creativity comes more easily. It’s like entering a new world where it’s suddenly exciting to be trying something new.

Women sitting, surrounded by exotic palms and reading
Shared creative journeys and planning a celebratory event together.

2. Allow yourself to make mistakes and push out of your comfort zone

One thing which we shy away from as we move from childhood to adulthood is the acceptance of and embracing making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and to increase your creativity you have to, to varying degrees, allow yourself to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a way to become more creative; it’s about taking risks, trying something new, and learning what works and what doesn’t. I have been surprised at how letting go brings about free space for brilliant ideas to formulate and feel-good creativity and innovative solutions have helped to stimulate my creative abilities and confidence. Those endorphin levels soar when you’re in a good place, experience no pressure and no demands.

3. Schedule time to be creative

Make time to be creative. Consciously put time on your schedule, incorporate it into your daily routine, and see how quickly you will look forward to that time. It may be that you enjoy getting out your sketchbook or notebook, or baking bread, first thing in the morning, before your household wakes up. This peaceful time can help to relax you into what might otherwise be a busy day. Leaning into your creativity will soothe you and help you focus the on other life demands later in the day.

“I love waking up early to write in my journal. It’s such a magical time of day when the house is in state of sleepy hush and the light is gentle.”

Set aside time to just Be. Set aside time to activate or develop new skills and knowledge. It might be listening to a podcast about arranging furniture in a small space, it might be how to make a pretty Easter flower display. Read books and relax into new stories and new worlds.

Open book on grass
Photo by Annelies Geneyn on Unsplash

4. Go back to happy childhood memories: sketch, doodle or draw

“I have found that spending time with my granddaughter has helped to bring out the creative side in me, one which I had long-forgotten. But getting messy with paints and brushes and glitter and glue, coloured paper and science experiments is a wonderful way to not only have fun but forget that life, and our creative abilities, don’t have to be perfect or be judged.”

Having fun on a creative level and remembering the joys of painting or playing with clay or splattering sheets of paper with paint are all lovely ways to go back to happy childhood memories and to a time when life was simpler. These acts of building something new, or replicating something fondly remembered from a happy childhood memory is priceless and so rewarding.

Making time to be creative, whether it’s taking out a sketchbook and drawing or trying out a page of doodles, is something you won’t regret. How can time spent relaxing, creating and letting go, be anything but positive? Sketch your surroundings or a memory onto the page. Lose yourself in the flow of creating and abandon any worries. It doesn’t matter. Creativity shines in all its forms.

Person drawing
Photo by Andrey Novik on Unsplash

5. Find your happy and your inspiration

Finding our happy in a life which is often fraught with schedules, worries and demands on our time, is so important. Think about a time when you were happy and I bet it involves something creative: cooking your favourite meal for a friend, making sandcastles on a stretch of beach, telling made-up jokes to each other, drawing a picture for your mum on mother’s day, a conversation with a sister or brother, a debate at school, planning a holiday with your family or a group of friends. All these things require a level of creativity. Speaking requires us to be creative, to use language in different ways, and to be understood and heard, so even that chat you had with your friend over the phone is a form of creativity.

Open journal with rocks and dried orange slice places artfully on top of a page
Journalling helps us work out our thoughts and allows time to just be.

6. Try something new and make new connections

When was the last time you tried something new? If you want to be more creative then push yourself to try out new things. Let new creative ideas flood your thinking and creativity and welcome them into your everyday life. Follow these ideas as they come into your consciousness and try them out. You may choose to do these alone or with a friend.

Making new connections is one of the biggest joys my writing has brought me. Meeting other writers and talking with them and sharing our writing journeys and processes is a joy.

Sharing ideas and brainstorming is conducive to creating without fear.

We can brainstorm together, discuss ways to boost creativity when we are going through a slump or suffering from imposter syndrome. We may be encouraged to try something new which may spark creativity in a different way and try something out without the fear of being judged. I believe we are all born creative. What child doesn’t enjoy scribbling or painting?

So I hope you will find time and space for creativity in your everyday life as I have through my writing and the joy of crafting with my granddaughter. Which one of these six ways will incorporate? Whatever you choose, welcome creativity it in and don’t be afraid of doing it right. When you’re feeling happy and relaxed, that’s a sign it’s working for you. Happy creating dear friends, and please let me know what you try.

With much love

Soulla x




Elysium Magazine
Elysium Magazine

A publication for creative women and inspired female entrepreneurs, covering creativity and art, lifestyle, fashion & beauty, business, travel, home and garden