Overcome These 5 Obstacles to Personal Development

Elysium Magazine
Elysium Magazine
Published in
6 min readMay 14, 2024

By Debbie Lucas

Not only is personal development a hip keyword for your LinkedIn profile, but it’s also a necessary component of a successful mid-career and beyond, particularly for women who have spent years creating their empires.

But let’s face it: achieving self-improvement requires more than just calming yoga poses and motivational sayings.

It’s frequently a battleground where societal expectations, time restraints, and ingrained behaviours collide with your resolve.

So grab a seat, and let’s explore the top five obstacles to personal growth and the hidden realities that we all encounter.

Getting Past Imposter Syndrome

Everybody has had the persistent sense that they could be exposed as scammers at any time.

Do you recognise this? You’re not by yourself.

Many accomplished women frequently believe that their accomplishments have deceived everyone. Even with well-crafted LinkedIn profiles and recognition, the worry of falling short often persists.

These emotions are felt by over 70% of people at some point, indicating that they are more frequent than you may assume.

It’s time to change the narrative about vulnerability in relation to imposter syndrome. Speaking about your anxieties makes you approachable rather than weak. By talking to others about your uncertainties, you may discover that others have gone through similar things, which will build a network of support that will affirm your actual ability.

Take part in mentoring as a mentee or a mentor. This conversation can greatly increase your confidence because it is a two-way street of learning and affirmation.

Remember that nobody is an expert in everything! Recognise that everyone started off as a beginner and set reasonable expectations for yourself. You can release some of the pressure to know everything by acknowledging that learning is a process. This kind of thinking promotes a more positive approach to both professional and personal development while also lessening sentiments of deception.

Create a success journal to help you overcome imposter syndrome. Write down your accomplishments every day, and refer back to these notes whenever doubt strikes. Assuring yourself that everyone experiences these times is another benefit of networking with other ambitious women.

Balancing Personal and Life/Work Balance

Managing a successful business or job and personal obligations might be likened to juggling blazing torches. You’re expected to be a formidable force in work, an ideal companion, and perhaps even a supermom? Quite tiring!

Dropping one or two torches is OK. Being flawless is unreal.

The digital world allows work to follow you around. It’s important to establish boundaries. Establish and adhere to work hours. When you’re off the clock, be honest with both yourself and your team or family and give yourself permission to unwind. This self-respect not only keeps you from burning out but also shows other people how much you cherish your privacy and alone time.

Being overly perfect can be a big obstacle to finding balance. Sometimes, “good enough” suffices. This is not about letting down your guard; rather, it’s about realising and coming to terms with the fact that there is a limit to what you can accomplish without compromising your health. This insight may prompt a better balanced attitude to obligations and daily duties.

Get a balance by applying the ruthless prioritisation technique. What needs to be done today? What can be put off until another time? Gain experience delegating at home and at work. Above all, schedule some time for yourself, even if it’s only a quick coffee break during which you won’t be strategising your next big project.

Maintaining Health and Wellbeing

In terms of fitness and health, midlife is revolutionary. All of those late nights and missed meals start to catch up with you all of a sudden.

The harsh reality is that your health is your most valuable asset.

Maintain routine check-ups for health issues. These might bring you health-related insights that you might miss in your regular grind. At this point in your life, preventative care is essential because it enables you to identify possible health issues early on and take action before they worsen.

You need to take care of your mental health in the same way that you do your physical body. You may enhance your mental and emotional health by engaging in practices like mindfulness, meditation, or even just journaling your thankfulness. Recall that getting assistance from a coach or therapist is just as common as going to the doctor for medical conditions.

Take care of yourself by including enjoyable forms of exercise into your daily schedule, such as yoga, dancing lessons, or even strolling meetings. Foods that improve mood and energy levels can help your body function better. Nutrition is important too.

Continuous Learning and Flexibility

The world is changing quickly. What was effective yesterday may not be so today. Remaining adaptive and a perpetual learner are essential to staying relevant.

Career and business longevity is correlated with adaptability.

Ask for feedback on a regular basis. Receiving constructive criticism can be quite advantageous. It supports your constant learning habit and aids in pinpointing areas where you might improve. Recall that the purpose of feedback is to support your growth rather than to highlight your shortcomings.

Innovation is essential in all fields, not only creative ones. Don’t be afraid to try out novel approaches or concepts. You’ll discover what doesn’t work, which is just as valuable as learning what does, even if they don’t always succeed. Using this trial-and-error method helps you stay flexible and receptive to new ideas.

Adopting technology can help you become more flexible. Numerous online workshops and courses are available to you. Every quarter, set learning objectives and keep yourself responsible.

Building and Leveraging a Robust Network

Building and sustaining a network can be difficult, but it can be a very useful tool for both professional and personal growth.

It matters more to know what you are capable of than just who you know.

The process of networking is two-way. Never stop seeking out chances to give back. These acts of kindness, which might include sharing important information, recommending a contact for a job, or giving advice, improve and fortify your relationships. People are more likely to support you back if they recall how you made them feel.

Make use of social media sites such as LinkedIn to update your network on your accomplishments and industry insights. Active participation and frequent updates might help you stay in the public eye of your business associates and possibly draw in the interest of possible partners or mentors. Continuous networking requires this virtual presence, particularly in situations where in-person connections are scarce.

Joining professional associations, going to industry gatherings, and not being afraid to introduce yourself are all excellent ways to expand your network. Always send a kind remark or a helpful resource as a follow-up to new acquaintances.

In summary, the journey of personal development is exciting and never-ending. Reframe obstacles as a chance to get stronger and wiser rather than as enormous mountains to climb. Accept these obstacles head-on with grace, humour, and confidence. You can succeed at this!



Elysium Magazine
Elysium Magazine

A publication for creative women and inspired female entrepreneurs, covering creativity and art, lifestyle, fashion & beauty, business, travel, home and garden