+260% to Sales in Online Cosmetics Store: Details of the Email Campaign

Anna Senkina
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2021
Original picture by A. Malyavina

Our client — online-store of cosmetics and perfume SpaDream

At the beginning of our cooperation, SpaDream already had some trigger mailings: abandoned cart emails, dropped views, liked products.
The company wanted to return regular promo mailings which they began to send less often before working with us and to get more profit from the email channel.

First, we’ve set up the subscriber base collection

To collect the subscriber base we activated a pop-up window on the website with the offer to get a 10% discount promo code. This pop-up collects about 2500 subscribers per month. 5,6% is the conversion from the website visits to the subscription

Launched a welcome chain

After the subscription the following welcome chain was launched:

This is what the emails looked like:

The whole content of the emails was formed automatically: latest novelties and offers were downloaded from the website.

Launched promo emails

We sent promo emails twice a week. They told about novelties, offers and discounts. If you want to learn more about promo emails and how to make them work, here is a nice article.

Sent content emails

Once a week we sent content emails with the selection of products from a beauty-expert. It united the products according to the topic, for example “what should be in your makeup bag this autumn”.

The idea was to make the emails useful, they were not supposed to sell straightforwardly. This type of communication did not meet the expectations — some of these emails were a success but the others didn’t show any result at all and in a while we gave up on them.

Launched trigger emails

Some trigger emails, for example abandoned cart, had already been set up before our cooperation.

Emails for regular customers

Besides the discount growth for the regular customers, there was an offer in the shop : when the total purchase sum reached a certain value, they got a 7% discount promo code.

Reactivation emails

We tested two email options, and this one turned out to be more offective:

Now, it returns 2% of non-active subscribers.
The email is sent when the subscriber doesn’t open emails within 90 days.

The result

Our cooperation began in July 2017, by the end of December 2017 monthly revenue from the email-channel was 260% higher than at the start:



Anna Senkina

SMM-manager at EmailSoldiers. Check our new code-free email builder: https://useblocks.io