Global Influencers Panel: Global Marketing Trends and the Future of Email

Anna Senkina
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2021
Original image, photos taken from

It was March 21st when I was lucky enough to attend Global Influencers Panel at Inbox Expo 2021. In case you’ve missed this conference, here is the summary I’ve made in a form of a live broadcast!

Leading agencies from around the world discuss the future of email and where they believe the market is heading. The panel includes experts and entrepreneurs from North America, Western and Eastern Europe, and Australia / APAC.

EmailSoldiers co-founder Ivan Ilin is one of the speakers on the Global Influencers Panel together with Michael Straathof of 100%EMAIL, Kath Pay of Holistic Email Marketing, Ryan Phelan of RPEOrigin, and Lisa S. Jones of EyeMail, Inc. Simon O’Day from The Lumery is hosting the conversation. They have over 100 years of collective experience.

Topic 1: Agency vs In-house marketing

In general, both agency and in-house marketing have their own merits. When a company works with insource specialists, it has the opportunity to control every single aspect of the campaign. Kath Pay adds that it’s important to educate the specialists, and constantly work on implementing new tech innovations. On the other hand, it’s easier for an agency to manage it — in-house you are too busy with just doing the job aside from adding new tech features. If it’s too time-consuming to administer new technologies in-house, hiring an agency may be a good way out. However, the culture of the agency being hired should be open-minded. Agencies should also consider that every company has its own culture, and they have to adjust to that.

The ability to work with an agency differs between different countries. For instance, in Russia, it’s too expensive for small and even mid-sized enterprises to hire an agency, so they tend to hire people in-house.

The next issue is what brands look for in an agency. Ivan Ilin says that in Russia, an agency helps implement advanced technologies (to gather data about customer behavior, make hypotheses about how to build a campaign more effectively, etc.). The panelists argue that in the US, for instance, companies often can successfully implement technologies in-house. But email marketing requires time and effort, which is why agencies are still needed.

Agencies should serve as trusted advisers when the clients don’t have the necessary knowledge or time to do research.

Topic 2: Change and nimbleness. Agile marketing principles

All the Panel members agree that it’s easier to work with an open-minded company. Corporations shouldn’t be afraid of experiments. Of course, no one is really ready for quick changes. And it’s even more difficult to implement changes if the company has to do it all alone. That’s why they should hire an agency!

The problem with agencies is that the clients sometimes can’t keep pace with innovations or the client may be afraid of looking stupid. We should help the client understand that failure is a part of improvement. Be ready to experiment, because the analysis of new endeavors allows you to grow.

After all, strategy is looking at what you are doing and changing it.

Topic 3: Covid changes. Different countries compared

During the lockdown, many companies realized that they couldn’t cope with the situation simply because they didn’t know their brand well enough! Some brands just died because they expended too much effort.

The speakers compare the situations in different countries. Simon O’Day notes that Australia faced a severe lockdown, and large organizations had to drive ecommerce as fast as possible. The main problem was that a large part of the population had never shopped online before the lockdown, and companies didn’t know how to teach people to do it. Here, a personalized customer journey flow turned out to be an effective solution.

In Russia, the lockdown was less harsh, but many companies still suffered and had to ultimately close. Ivan says that as an agency, EmailSoldiers focused on digital products, ecommerce, pharmaceuticals, etc., which allowed them to profit even during the lockdown. Many Russian companies started using digital channels. However, technologies came to Russia rather late, and many people still don’t use channels such as email (especially those who weren’t born into the digital age).

Topic 4: Personalization and customer journey.

The discussion of this topic is probably the most emotional one on this panel. The speakers compare their approaches to the issue in different countries. Lisa S. Jones says that US corporations are looking for a way to create human connection and thus personalize their campaigns because this is what people are lacking.

Kath adds that we should implement a holistic approach: we are to focus on people. It’s not about the brands or channels, it’s about customer experience. Our goal should be to do what’s best for the customers. We should expand our horizons and use different channels, including email (by the way, email as a channel demands a holistic approach!).

It’s not about clicks, rates, and buttons– it’s about people.

Topic 5: Channels

We all are looking for an inclusive technology. But the only inclusive technology possible is a huge machine consisting of many channels.

We factor in other channels like SMS, Viber, What’s App, etc. differently depending on the country. For instance, in Russia, they have a hierarchy. People may sign up to only one preferable channel, so the choice of the channel depends on the customers’ preferences. But different channels serve different purposes! As a case in point, Viber and What’s App are good for reminders, and they are even more personal than email. Every channel still has its limitations.

You should understand what is going to work for your customer and your business.

Topic 6: In the next couple of years — future plans and predictions

Kath claims that tech innovation is a way of moving forward for both small and large companies. Agencies will continue to focus on customer satisfaction, making customer journeys more personalized. Ryan and Michael share the view that when channels blend together email will be the foundation because it’s personalized and people love it. Simon adds that email will still be a part of a bigger machine.

Whatever channel works best for your customer should be implemented.

Ivan notes that in Russia, email is used mostly as a marketing channel. Social networks can also be effective, however, constantly changing their ToS causes brands to be cautious using SM in order to avoid risks.



Anna Senkina

SMM-manager at EmailSoldiers. Check our new code-free email builder: