How Communications Help Miele Sell Their Home Appliances Worth Millions

Anna Senkina
Published in
7 min readMar 17, 2021

The client is Miele — the home appliances company

We have been working with Miele, the household appliances producer, for two years already. Miele has online and offline stores in Russia. The Miele team came to us to launch their online communications. These should’ve been different for two websites: with announcements of the events, information on clients service, brand stores addresses; and as the internet store.

Breifly about the project

What was done

  1. We activated the subscribers database

2. We set the lead generation up

3. We connected Mindbox for campaigns

4. We sent promo campaigns

5. We sent content campaigns

6. We converted landings for separate products or promotions

7. We created the landing pages constructor in wordpress

8. We made the data dashboard

In work

  1. A file hosting service for media content

2. A special project

The beginning of the work

In such situation the work begins standardly:

1.We validated the base;

2.We sent the first messaging in pieces to activate the contacts that have long forgot about the subscription;

3.We set up postmasters

We’ve chosen Mindbox for the campaigns. At that moment it was a decision with a future investment: though at first there were no tasks for the usage of the complex mechanics, we understood that we will need them in the future. This is why we decided to use Mindbox which allows us to put them into practice.

Integration with Mindbox took a month and a half. Alongside with that, we’ve been working with lead generation.

Lead generation

For lead generation we set pop-up windows for subscription both on the brand website and the internet store. The motivation for subscription is the Miele production promotion news.

When we were launching these pop-ups, we first tried several options and chose the most conversion effective one.

Now, the pop-ups bring around 1000 subscribers a month.

The pop-up window brings
55% more subscriptions than the static form.

We’ve also made a static form among the products cards:

For the transitions from Yandex.Market (the largest Russian marketplace) we’ve created a separate solution as the service forbids the pop-up windows. This is why the standard pop-up isn’t showing if there is a utm_source=yandex_market parameter in the code. Only the static form in the product card is shown:

We started sending the campaigns

And then the work with the campaigns began. The Miele team gave us a list of the planned promotions and we’ve been preparing the emails.

We saw the readers get involved in interaction with the campaigns and decided to try the content emails about working with the household appliances, using them, and taking care of them.

And here is how they look:


Miele also had a need in creating landings for promotions, promo offers, and new products. At first, we were developing every landing as a separate product. After several pages we understood that the solutions used for them are rather typical, so the creation of them can be unified.

We then created a landing constructor in wordpress. It allowed us to get the pages ready quickly and cost efficiently. Where previously the designer, manager, and developer had to spend 9 hours, now the manager creates a page for 4 hours.

The landing expenses have been reduced by 5 person-hours thanks to the constructor.

The landings unification has helped us to unify the analytics. As the typical blocks are used in them, then the events that are transferred to the analytics will be typical. When launching the page we just add a Google Tag Manager snippet into the code and the analytics are ready.

We’ve also created an interesting solution for sending the forms. First, only the information on the amount of times the form has been filled was sent to the analytics. Then, together with sending the forms, we’ve set up a creation of a unique id for every application. Now it is shown in the analytics how many people have left an application. If one and the same user would fill the form on a certain landing several times it will be shown and we will get more precise statistics about the orders. Together with the correct statistics it helps the client department to match the data on clients and applications.

File hosting service

Miele is an international company with offices all around the world. Everyday some of the employees in every office need some image, banner, photo, video, leaflet. All of this has to be stored somewhere, so the access to the materials is convenient. In addition, such services as Dropbox, Google Drive and etc. cannot be used amid safety concerns.

The company has a corporate file hosting service, but it turned out to be inconvenient and limited in functions. At the moment we are getting ready a new solution with an aesthetic design and that is easy to use. We’ve decided to start with a simplified version — MVP — and then to develop the service to launch faster.

We’ve also prepared the landing for the subscription for offline points: the client can subscribe to a messaging list in a shop.


Currently there is a welcome series and emails for the abandoned views and carts on Miele.

Welcome series

A welcome series differs for different categories of buyers. In the pop-up a user can check the box that he/she is an architect or a designer:

It is a professional audience that chooses the appliances for their clients to match into an indoor environment. As these are not the end customers, then the welcome series differs from the series for other clients. Moreover, architects and designers are excluded from all the triggers.

In the first welcome email they get a link to a poll about their professional activity:

Consequently, Miele can offer architects and designers to participate in marketing events, additional terms of cooperation, if they see that this is a professional with high potential.

Furthermore, architects and designers do not get into trigger series, aimed at the end users of the products.

Other users get a welcome email about the advantages of the Miele appliances after confirming the subscription:

Abandoned carts, views, views of the goods’ categories

There are two possibilities of the email depending on the prices of the goods in the cart for the abandoned carts:

the abandoned cart for the expensive goods
the abandoned cart for the expensive goods

50.4% average open rate for the abandoned carts
13.7% clicks percentage

We’ve set up the accounting in Power BI

For the client to easily understand the results of our work and for us to quickly evaluate the campaigns’ effectiveness we’ve set up a dashboard in Power BI:

It helps both us and the Miele team to quickly evaluate the effectiveness of the campaigns and work in general.

Through the dashboard we watch:

  • The base growth dynamics: subscribes and unsubscribes, depending on which we correct the display of the pop-up subscription forms.
  • The email campaigns statistics: open rate, clicks, that we use to correct the emails sending frequency.
  • The data from Google Analytics: the number of the transactions, an average check, the campaigns revenue.
  • The rates of the certain campaigns or the campaigns with the similar theme.

The dashboard makes our work transparent for the clients, they also watch the metrics, can always ask questions or suggest something looking at the data. The information is always up to date and is available from any device.

The email campaigns brought 1448 orders to the price of
$1,239,944, an average check is $860.

Email campaigns bring 3.14% of the revenue.

It is interesting to see that not only the trigger and promo campaigns sell well, but also the content emails. Here are the examples of the content campaigns that worked well:

5 service regulations for a dishwasher: $11,500
Perfect pastry: $11,200
Ironing systems: $7,700



Anna Senkina

SMM-manager at EmailSoldiers. Check our new code-free email builder: