To Mars and Back: Our Email Campaigns for Mars Future Settlers

Look at the extraterrestrial emails we’ve designed! We hope you’ll find them inspiring

Anna Senkina
9 min readAug 17, 2021


This illustration depicts an astronaut getting ready to a flight
Original illustration by A.Malyavina

As a celebration of the first human expedition to Mars (fictional, of course), the organizers of the Festival of Email 2021 have decided to hold a competition to prepare an email campaign for the upcoming generations of Mars colonists. We had to think through the ways the settlers might travel to Mars and come back, who, or what they would find there. It was supposed to be a guide for those eager to build a new world. EmailSoldiers’ creative core is always up for such a challenge, so we formed a team of decisive people, willing to help the future explorers of the Red Planet.

Email marketing was needed to sell more paid subscription plans.

Let’s Gather the Squad

With projects like this, you can’t make people participate. It goes against common sense. So, we sent a message to everyone who would be willing to take part in such an important and intriguing mission. Those who volunteered were eager to not only do the job properly but also put their heart and soul into it. It was a project for those who like everything connected with the Red Planet — Ray Bradbury’s and Douglas Adams’ works, the music of David Bowie, and for those who wanted to try something creative, something without any clear borders. As some people said, “we needed to introduce some madness into our lives ;)”.

I Love It When a Plan Comes Together

Gathering the team is one thing, but what about the face of the project, the ideas, and thoughts introduced? Brainstorming is one of the most important parts of any creative project, as it builds up the base and becomes the core. So, everybody taking part in brainstorming had an opportunity to share their ideas. At first we decided to use five ideas. However, the amount of time left was not great, so only four of the ideas had been brought to life.

According to Marina Vlasova, our editor, “In our case, one person gave a thought, the second one took it and developed it, and the third turned it into a finalized concept. It is better than just gathering the ideas without any discussion, it wouldn’t bring us to this amount of crazy concepts.”

Time is Everything

The most interesting thing about this competition is its spontaneity. Nely Bonar, one of the organizers of this event and the managing expert at emailexpert said that “The idea of The Mars Human Competition came to me in the middle of Festival of Email, a two week hybrid event we had in June 2021.” It was a rather sudden decision, which was made to connect with the community, as sharing information about the winners and their work helps others in the community up their email game. In the face of the spontaneity of this whole competition, our team didn’t have this much time to do everything we had in our minds. However, it took us five days to complete the mission (far less than to travel from Earth to Mars). The most time-consuming parts were writing copy for the emails and designing the emails. But the result speaks for itself.

Per Ardua Ad Astra

No project can go without any challenges. The same goes for this competition. We have faced four criteria by which our works have been judged: Accessibility, Design, Copy, Overall. For some of us the Design part was the most difficult, for some it was Accessibility, as we had to reject some ideas or jokes that are acceptable in our culture and inappropriate in another. For the creative core of our squad the deadline became their worst enemy, as it didn’t allow them to turn some of our ideas into reality (we had to drop the email dedicated to the subject of reproduction on Mars as we didn’t have enough time for it). It is also important to mention that this project was being done in two languages simultaneously — in Russian and in English. This is why we needed translators for this job. There were several barriers — time, culture, and language, but we still managed to overcome them and reach the stars.

If you’re interested in email copywriting, you may also like this article: 7 Rules of Appealing Email Copy.

If we look at this competition from the organizers’ point of view, this little improvisation may become a stepping stone to something more prominent. As Nely says: “To be honest, I didn’t expect a lot of feedback as it was a little experiment of my own. We did receive a lot of excitement and positive feedback about the competition so far.”

Martian email campaigns

1. WHO’S Guide to The Galaxy?

Douglas Adams’ most famous work “Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy” became source material for a whole email used to get people ready for all of the unusual and bizarre things they could see in space. We’ve gotten used to thinking that every other life form uses the same logical laws as we do. Of course, Mr. Adams’ book is just a work of fiction (or is it?), but maybe he could’ve been right. So, just in case, we used his book as a basis to prepare the expedition for any oddities (and of course to remind them to take their towels).

Newsletter: Travel Guide to Mars
Email 1: Martian travel guide

2. The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side

Before going to another planet it’s useful to know the pros and cons of this venture. In order to get people ready for the brighter future they are about to build, we’ve designed this email, showing the downsides of life on Earth for which there is no place on Mars.

On one hand it shows the benefits of leaving our home planet and joining the crew and on the other hand it also helps to calm the future astronauts down and show that this whole “trip” is not all that bad. It’s like a pamphlet, inviting you to create a better world without making the previous generations’ mistakes.

Newsletter: It’s high time for a double-check
Email 2: It’s high time for a double check

3. Sweeeeet!

In order to sugarcoat the upcoming long space voyage our squad has prepared a special email for those who want to learn more about their future home and like chocolate. On Earth, the name of the Red Planet is also associated with a pretty popular chocolate bar. We couldn’t help but use this strong connection between the two and decided to coat the facts in lots of rich and thick milk chocolate, with silky smooth caramel and gummy nougat. Doesn’t it make your mouth water already? Just take a look at the email then, it sure will.

Newsletter: M-m-m, Maaaaars
Email 3: Sweeeet

4. MARS… Doesn’t Attack? Seriously?

So, the flight is over, everybody left their hibernation chambers and already put on their space suits. The ships are landing to the surface of Mars, the ramp goes down, the settlers leave the ship aaaaand… meet the Martians. What will it be, no fear or a desire to reach for a blaster? Well, it’s a normal reaction as our settlers have been briefed thoroughly even before the flight has begun. To our surprise the Martians have managed not only to make contact with us, but also to understand our culture and decided to help us live on their planet. Using the information gathered from our extraterrestrial partners we’ve managed to create this greeting email. Using colorful images, live text and text-transform our mission was complete. The Earthlings were prepared to meet their new partner.

Mars is habitable for Earthlings!
Mars is habitable for Earthlings!

Look at the email campaigns we’ve made for a beauty store: +260% to sales in online beauty store.

No Boundaries Bring Out Hidden Gems

It’s no secret to anyone that in unknown circumstances people can act in a more effective way. Such creative projects can become a sort of a jump-pad for everyone to see themselves from another perspective. For example, our editor Marina Vlasova managed to surprise most of the team by her level of activity and immersion into the campaign creation process. “When a job requires you to be creative you will set a deadline and take responsibilities yourself, as you are sucked into this vortex and you just cannot stop until everything is done 150%,” Marina says. Projects like this one set no boundaries or borders, no matter what team you belong to on a daily basis. You cannot send a human being to Mars alone and everybody matters in this venture.

Usually we have to work in a way that one department introduces some ideas and develops them, then they send these ideas to another department that has to bring them to life. Like a chain or a conveyor belt. But in such projects there is no belt, there is a group of people eager to work and create. Everybody knows what to do and where to help. This is one of the best things — people understand what to do and have a desire for it. What else do we need?

I Understood That Reference

Mars Has been in pop culture for quite some time. There are so many works of art using the Red Planet as a setting or just mentioning it as something important. This planet, named after the Ancient Roman god of war, has always managed to draw people’s attention. David Bowie, Douglas Adams, id Software, Ray Bradbury, Herbert Wells — all of these artists referred to Mars in some way. As mentioned before, we can see the name of the planet on a daily basis, just by going to a grocery store and buying a chocolate bar. So, we’ve succumbed to temptation and put references to the works of culture connected with Mars into our emails. They allowed us to talk to the astronauts on the same level, as though they are ordinary people, and not sophisticated scientists.

Houston, We’ve Landed

After all those hours spent on brainstorming, copywriting, translating, and designing the emails, we won the second and third prizes! You may ask us “Why are you so happy about that? The golden medal isn’t yours.” This whole competition was all about the process for us since the beginning. We are proud of the campaigns we created, of the ideas and references we used to make our emails look alive, and of our prizes in this worldwide competition. We hope you also liked them.


Summing it all up, what do we have now? Our imaginary expedition landed on Mars, armed to the teeth with the knowledge we gathered for them. While here, in reality, we are trying to break down the results of the competition and make some conclusions. First of all, we’ve concentrated on the creative aspects of our work and didn’t even think that we needed to stay within the brief’s borders. It led to us getting several negative points, for example, even though our emails were colorful and vivid, we didn’t add CTA to the chocolaty email and it could’ve been a great finisher. Second, the time limit. We couldn’t bring one of our ideas to life and made a couple of minor mistakes. But overall, it was a really pleasant experience. Such projects can not only let people show their creative side, but they can also be used as a proof-point for creativity while debating with clients.

Did you like what you just saw? We can create a compelling email campaign for you. Just contact us via our website!



Anna Senkina

SMM-manager at EmailSoldiers. Check our new code-free email builder: