What CRM Marketing Really Is

All stages of CRM marketing: analytics, data collection, setting objectives, implementing channels

Anna Senkina
6 min readMay 24, 2021


Original illustration by A. Malyavina

CRM marketing is marketing based on data about clients. Actually, practically any type of marketing is based on data about clients, but CRM marketing does this on a different level.

CRM marketing doesn’t function as segmentation, however. This type of marketing uses segmentation as one of its tools to provide the best options both for the customers and for marketers.

What is the difference between CRM marketing and email marketing

Notions of CRM marketing and email marketing have a different basis. Email marketing is about the basic channel of communication — delivery of offers to the client via emails.

CRM marketing is focused on the data about clients. The channel, as well as communications themselves, is chosen on the basis of the information about clients.

What companies may need CRM marketing

CRM marketing is expensive. That is why you should understand beforehand if it is worth being implemented. CRM marketing may be useful if:

— your company has such a budget for marketing that a long implementation won’t break you;
— your contact base consists of tens of thousands contacts;
— you want to build a complex system of communication with your clients to sell them more.

Stages of CRM marketing

If you still decide to use CRM marketing then you’ll need to understand how it works, and its mechanisms. CRM marketing does not mean that you will necessarily use several channels of communication with a client. It just means that you’ve skillfully collected and analyzed data about clients, and on the basis of this analysis use the best-fitting channels of communication.

That is why CRM-marketing consists of the following stages:

— business analytics;
— setting objectives and goals, establishing KPI;
— collecting of a contact base with the necessary set of data;
— choosing and implementation of communication channels.

Separate works within CRM marketing allow to support and develop loyalty programs: business analytics makes it possible to calculate who and what discount shall be given to and how it will influence the revenue; and communication channels help to keep in touch with the participants of a loyalty program and stimulate others to join in.

Stage 1: Business analytics

Business analytics is necessary to understand how to keep in touch with the clients, stimulate their purchases, what results in CRM marketing aim at, what channels to use and how to do it.

Sometimes launching CRM marketing in a company begins with the implementation of channels and there is a risk of spending money on the communications which won’t pay off. Prior to setting up communications, it is necessary to investigate the clients and their peculiarities:

who buys the product;
— whether the clients return after the first purchase or not;
what prevents them from buying again;
— how long does it take them to make a decision about a purchase;
— what are the possibilities of audience growth and life cycle of the clients;
what is already launched in marketing and what effect it gives;
— whether there is a collected contact base, what is its condition and how it is collected;
— product peculiarities and bargain cycle.

Business analytics as a separate service will help if:

— you want to understand better how exactly you make money from your clients;
— you want to understand how to make clients buy more;
— you want to understand what to do to make your clients stay with your longer;
— you plan to implement a loyalty program and want it to help you to earn more.

Business analytics shows what to do in general. For instance, business analytics of one of our clients showed that the 5% growth of conversion from the first purchase to the second one will increase the turnover by 3% which makes about $75,000. Thus it made it clear that communications should be focused on stimulating the second purchase.

Stage 2: Setting objectives and goals, establishing KPIs

Objectives in CRM marketing

Business analytics helps to specify the objectives and makes it clear how growth in one of the rates will influence the profit or the turnover. That is why the objectives after the analytics made look different:

Comparison of objectives before and after business analysis
Comparison of objectives before and after business analysis

The most important thing is that these numbers are not taken out of nowhere, they are based on real business rates and forecasts. Such formulations help to distribute work efforts correctly and to establish proper KPIs.


Goals are the ways to achieve objectives at the project, for example:

— to launch contact base collecting online and offline;
— to integrate CRM with the email and sms platforms;
— to set up a welcome chain of emails and messages;
— to set up trigger messages: abandoned cart, reactivation, abandoned view/session, discount from a certain amount of buying.

KPIs on CRM marketing projects

Key performance indicator, chosen for the project, should help to make a comprehensive assessment of the results. For example, one can’t set an objective to increase profitability of emails without tracking the state of the contact base. That is why, there can be different KPIs, such as growth of contact base, subscribers retention rate, subscribers engagement rate, emails profitability, revenue, the number of transactions from emails.

The scheme represents possible KPIs divided into groups:

The scheme represents possible KPIs divided into groups
Groups of KPIs

Stage 3: Collecting a contact base

As soon as business analytics is done and objectives, goals and KPIs defined, the project can be launched. A very important part is collecting a qualitative subscribers base. A qualitative base means that:

— the subscribers knew what they subscribed for and have agreed to receive emails;
— contact details in the base are well-functioning and valid.

Methods of collecting a base depend on the peculiarities of the audience. It is possible to use online (subscribe forms on a website, including pop-ups) and offline instruments (questionnaires in shops).

Stage 4: Choosing and setting up channels of communication

Business analytics gives a picture: what information about subscribers you possess, what results previous campaigns led to, which channels may be effective and which ones should probably be held off.

All these aspects help to choose channels of communication with clients:

— emails: promo, trigger, and transactional ones;
— sms and other messengers;
— social networks messages.

It is important in CRM marketing for the communication to be based on the data. That is why email platforms integrate with a CRM system, analytics systems, and other services which have data about clients. If the status of a client is changed in the CRM system they get a message in Whatsapp. Integration of all the systems — that is what helps CRM marketing to make communications personalized and effective. Besides the CRM system, data can be collected from the analytics service which collects the information about the integration of a client with the website.

What data about clients is useful in CRM marketing

Table of useful data in CRM marketing
Data that can be useful in CRM marketing

Hopefully, this article helped you understand the mechanisms of CRM marketing better. If you need a more thorough and personified consultation, please fill in the form on https://clc.am/emailsoldiers.

We’ll contact you and discuss all opportunities for your project!



Anna Senkina

SMM-manager at EmailSoldiers. Check our new code-free email builder: https://useblocks.io