Who the Heck is Kolya from Burger King?

Anna Senkina
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2021

Do you know Kolya from Burger King? Maybe you are one of 7 million people who do know him

Kolya appeared in June of 2018. By that time, Burger King and EmailSoldiers had already started developing email marketing as we saw potential in this channel.

In January 2018 Burger King had an email list of 4 million contacts. The users left their emails while signing up in a mobile app, but the email list wasn’t monetized at all. Right then, Burger King updated their app, so we decided to use the first email to attract the subscribers to download it.

The campaign had good rates

We got excited and started sending more campaign

Discount coupons
Partner campaigns

We wanted to raise the rates, and for this we had to distinguish ourselves among other emails in the readers’ inboxes. We didn’t want to merge with the information noise and decided to take a road less travelled by.

We’ve sent about a billion emails. In them we decided to start sort of a chat with the user, in which the sender becomes a friend or just an acquaintance above all, and only after this he is a character connected with Burger King. He will be sharing his stories and thoughts adding information about profitable promos and discounts.

Kolya from Burger King became this character.

Kolya tells something personal

Kolya uses emojis

Kolya combines the sender’s name and the email theme into a united sentence

And then the readers got involved

When Kolya fell in love ❤️…

… the readers have supported him

When Kolya promised to wrap up, …

… ladies swooned for him

When Kolya promised to hit some …

(note: in the Russian language there is a slur word, meaning f-face, that sounds like [jebalo]. It sounds similar to e-credit (in Russian) making it a crude pun, which caused fuss over being a risky idea)

… Burger King gained commercial deliveries

In any case, Kolya gets deliveries

But Kolya always keeps the business targets in his mind. He brings people to the app because the app users bring revenue by 18% more

The bigger the lead base, the more there are the app users and the bigger the profit. Within half a year, the email addresses database has grown by 75%

No other email character in Russia is mentioned as often as Kolya from burger King. Some are amazed by him, some hate him, but no one leaves him without any attention at all.



Anna Senkina

SMM-manager at EmailSoldiers. Check our new code-free email builder: https://useblocks.io