Email Spam Identification

E-mail spamming identification:

All of us receive spam emails on a daily basis. But most of us don’t know what to do with these spam emails. And if you reply to such emails there could be the worst outcomes. In this brief article, I would like to tell you about email spamming and its identification and prevention tricks. This terminology is a serious cyber crime issue. There are many innocent people that become a victim of it and lost a lot of money as well. Before I will go deep I would like to define what E-mail spamming actually is?

E-mail spam or Junk email

E-mail spamming also called Junk email or bulk email is a way to lead users to malware sites. Spam email can contain file attachments. These types of mails are forwarded to multiple recipients at a time. The Email contains a link which directs the user to a new window where the victim is asked to enter login details and as a result, his confidential data is stolen. Like information about bank accounts or other secret information. Such spam emails are mostly related to famous government organizations, lottery winnings, and pharmacy.

How to identify the spam e-mail?

Prior answering to any spam email it is important to be familiar with the spam detection techniques. When the user is familiar with the spam emails it is most likely that the user will not become a victim of it. Some useful detection techniques are briefly described below:

Such emails will be received from unknown senders. Those senders will have odd email addresses. Such emails will ask for your login credentials. So before performing any action carefully check sender’s information.

Spam emails may have grammar mistakes and sentences will be of odd nature.

There may be punctuation mistakes and also errors of capitalization.

Any emails related to lottery or contest-winning should be avoided. When you don’t have applied for any contest or lottery stay away from this.

Don’t try to download attachments that are from unknown sources. This might contains a virus that will badly affect your system.

How to stop getting spam emails?

When you have knowledge about spam emails then you must take these precautions when you have to deal with these emails.

Never ever share your primary email address anywhere without need, because this will put the user at stake.

It is suggested to delete spam emails because by clicking on subscribe link as spammers are aware of valid email address so you will start getting more spam emails.

Phishers tend to grab email addresses of people in bulk and use those sending emails about offers like TV, mobile phones and other devices.

Avoid using the same username and email address for the new account. Because spammers have the tricks and they can easily identify email address by usernames.

If you are receiving any spam message in the inbox so report such message as spam. So that next time this email sender will be considered as a spam mail.

Apart from following these steps, there are lots of companies that are offering spam experts. This will use better tools and services to filter out such emails and provides you more security against such emails.

So it is concluded that email spamming can cause severe damage to the privacy of users. If above-mentioned steps are followed spams can be identified and prevented as well. There are lots of anti-spam software that can help to fight against spam mails.

