Valentines emails we love ❤

Thomas Evans
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2017

In case you missed it, yesterday was Valentine’s day. In 2016, romantic individuals spent over £518m on gifts for loved ones — so it’s unsurprising that brands are keen to grab a piece of the action.

Our inbox was overflowing all morning with marketing emails, desperate to rescue their customers from an after work trip to the petrol station for flowers.

Here’s a round-up of just a few of our favourites and what we think they did well.

Subject Line: Who Needs Flowers When You Can Have 20% Off Everything ❤

What we liked: We love the huge gif, complete with paper aeroplane. The 1-day promotion is also an interesting tactic to encourage urgency in purchasing on the website.

Ann Taylor

Subject line: From Us With L-O-V-E…

What we liked: The beautiful typography which makes up the large image and call to action. A single call to action can often increase click through rates, in this case the whole image links to the Ann Taylor website.

Miann & Co


What we liked: The subject line for this email wasn’t the strongest. That said, we adore the beautiful merchandised pink products and wire hearts (which are included free with every order). Miann & Co is a predominantly Children’s brand and they managed to jump onto the Valentine’s bandwagon yet still remain tasteful and relevant to their audience.

Subject line: We got you something

What we liked: The attention-grabbing Gif, and teasing subject line draw you into the email and the call to action. Upon clicking the CTA you’re taken to a symmetric landing page which offers a discount. A great joined up experience, which plays on users curiosity to get them to engage.


Subject line: 💗 Hurry! — Get it for Valentines day 💗

What we liked: This email was sent late on the 13th February, to encourage last minute buyers to get their orders in. The email follows a similar pattern to many emails received today: A GIF, Single CTA and Discount Code — so whilst it didn’t break any boundaries we thought the execution was superb.


Subject line: L is for the way you lie on me

What we liked: Casper have made buying mattresses cool. This email with some quite brilliant copy makes buying a mattress on Valentines day seem like quite a romantic thing to do. For that alone, it deserves credit.

Originally published at

