Getting to know: Meddus

emanate community
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2022

Recently we reviewed a new body of work “Anadysis” from electronic artist Meddus. With so much mystery surrounding its origin, we thought it was about time we got to know more about Meddus.

Interview by Lex Katz — emanate community relations.

Tell us about yourself, you have a very unique image, can you tell us more about it?

Ok, so Meddus is a fictional character. I am not Meddus, you could say I’m his dad lol. My friend Evelyn — the artist that brought Meddus to life — designed a jellyfish that resembles a fantasy comic book hero in bright neon-glowing colors, i loved it and thought it fit the vibe of the music i was making perfectly, so we went with it. Peter — my other friend, worked on a story about the character’s origins and adventures. Now, starting with Anadysis EP, all the solo tracks released under meddus are like small chapters to that story, keep an eye out for little clues ;)

How long have you been producing music?

Seven years. I still don’t know where they went…

What led you to produce electronic music?

I started making beats with my best friend back in school, a music teacher showed us an android music app and that's where it all started.

How would you describe your music and what message do you want your music to carry?

High-energy atmospheric euphoria. I don’t think my music is very deep in meaning or carries any significant messages, all I want is to take people on a little journey that might even inspire them in a way. I read a quote somewhere that was something along the lines of “If my music can inspire another person to create, then i’m a successful artist.”

Where do you find inspiration?

I love the sea, fantasy adventures and futuristic aesthetics. That’s where most of the inspiration for Meddus and this music comes from.

I hear a video game vibe in some of your music, do you enjoy video games?

Of course i do. It’s mostly arcade and old flash games for me, i’ve never been a big “gamer” with the modern meaning of the word but i did spend a big part of my childhood playing simple fun games with banger soundtracks that stick to you. I guess they’re forever stuck in the back of my head now.

Are you working on anything now that you would be excited to tell us about?, What are your music goals for this year and the long term?

I’m working on a lot of harder-hitting tunes. Heavy and distorted, but still melodic. As well as a ton of collabs and possibly some remixes, my main focus is releasing more original solo music for this year. The next step is working more with original vocals, but that's not an immediate goal.

Are there any places you hope to play, artists you want to collaborate with, or dream labels you hope to release on?

It’s a dream to one day play at a major festival like EDC but I love to play small local events with my friends too, that might start happening more soon. As for dream collabs and labels, it would be crazy to work with Sublab, but that still seems like a long shot for now. On the other hand, Liquid Ritual is a wave label that i’ve been a big fan of for a while and a release with them might come sooner than you think. If you don’t know these guys be sure to check them out!

Listen now :

How did you hear about Emanate?

Shoutout to my friend Tasien for telling me about the platform and getting me started, i owe a lot of things to that guy ❤

Any advice to other artists just getting started?

Follow your gut and take your time, set short-term goals for your music, give feedback before asking for feedback and always keep your sub bass in mono. That’s all :)

Listen to Anadysis on emanate

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