A Metaverse Party to Remember

Pat Lewis
4 min readJun 2, 2022


On May 28th, five hundred avatars from all over the world descended into emanate’s new venue inside the Voxels metaverse. They were treated to eight hours of live music, browsed the music NFT gallery and tagged the walls in the digital graffiti space. On the top floor of the venue, a huge screen beamed in the live performances to the sprawling crowd that danced, flew and spewed out emojis all night long. The special guest appearance of international DJ Tommy Trash closed off the event which will go down as emanate’s best metaverse party to date.

Somewhere beneath the fire, hearts and flowers, there is a dance floor.

Fifteen artists took the stage to celebrate emanate’s transition from Alpha to Beta; the next iteration of the blockchain streaming platform which saw a number of big upgrades. Of these upgrades, NFT streaming is one of the most exciting, with hundreds of artists already connecting their music NFTs to their emanate profiles. For anyone looking to grow the music NFT collection, the new market integration on emanate helps fans seamlessly switch from listeners to buyers.

Definitely this was my highlight party for 2022 so far! The setup, the lineup and music; the community and their energy and vibes that they brought was over the roof. My heart skipped a beat few times during the event. Keep your eyes close to emanate socials and make sure to teleport to the metaverse and experience the next wild one!

— DJ Lethal Skillz

Included on the lineup were emanate favorites Roby, Laminar, Masia One, DJ Lethal Skillz and MAi, just to name a few. A number of new faces also made their debut metaverse appearances, including Swaré, Jack Megraw and the special guest: Tommy Trash.

The music was as varied as the outfits of the avatars; everything from pop to rock, rap to techno, indie and alternative music all had their moments in the party leaving no stone unturned.

“The event was absolutely awesome to be a part of!”

— Austin Seltzer

Aiman Atwal brought his chilled out vibes to the party

For many in attendance, this event was their first time in the metaverse; but it didn’t take long for the newcomers to realise the massive potential of the virtual event. For artists, the chance to play in front of an eager crowd from all over the world, the benefits are obvious. For the eager onlookers, the event was a place to share music, ideas and connect with one another as groups peeled off into live chats. As more and more turn to new ways to engage online, metaverse parties are becoming a favorite for artists and music lovers alike.

ejthek takes a break by the dance floor.

emanate was also giving away NFT wearables, digital clothing for their avatar to dress up in. Some will keep these mementos forever, reusing them in future events throughout the metaverse. Others can put them on sale through OpenSea, contributing the vibrant economy that continues to rapidly expand as more and more people flock to the blockchain economy.

For emanate, the event was a huge success and the bar has been set even higher. It was a chance to welcome new people to the community while some of our favorite artists were able to showcase their skills to a truly global audience.

We’d like to thank and congratulate all those that performed over the weekend and say a big thank you to all those behind the scenes who made such an amazing event possible.

Here’s to many more.

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