Christmas In The Metaverse

Pat Lewis
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2022


Now that the Christmas buzz has faded; the decorations are back in their box and we’re getting off our couches, we can take a look back at the awesome metaverse party we threw late last year.

The weekend before Christmas, five hundred avatars swarmed the stage for our Christmas Metaverse Party. The invite only event was our third metaverse party of 2021 in the Cryptovoxels metaverse and featured an awesome line up full of emanate artists. Some were long time veterans of our community, others brand new to the space — but already making a name for themselves.

The stage sat beneath a huge Santa Pepe that rocked back and forth to the music as it loomed over the avatars below, some decked out in limited edition, Christmas NFT wearables.

With every event, the performers set the bar a little higher and this time round was no exception. When asked about his favorite performer on the day, DJ Lethal Skillz said it was too tough to call.

Each brought their own flavor. We had multiple genres represented, varying from Hardcore EMD to HipHop and everything in between, but I would say LOUIE C stood up as I loved his energy and bars he was dropping. Kane Mayfield also was sick! Upperreality dropped some dope live instrumentation and soulful singing.

— DJ Lethal Skillz

For newcomers like Manny X, who made his metaverse debut, this event was an eye opening experience, showing the potential of the metaverse.

That was such a great time and really mind blowing experience! I saw so many possibilities in such a limitless world! They’ve only just begun scratching the surface and I’m so thrilled to have been a part of this monumental shift in music, entertainment and social connection!

— Manny X

With every event, we’re learning more too and our focus is on improving the events for both the artists and avatars alike.

This is our third Emanate metaverse party that we hosted this year, with each event we are learning a lot which is paving the way for 2022 as we have lots of cool initiatives and events planned for our Emanate community in the metaverses.

— DJ Lethal Skillz

We’d like to thank Cryptovoxels for having us and everyone who attended for helping us close out the year with a bang. And to all the artists who blew us away, thank you — you absolutely killed it! We can’t wait to see you at the next one.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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