emanate: My Experience



Written by Aeon Void

The experience I’ve had with emanate has far exceeded my expectations, not only as a streaming platform, but as a community. As an independent artist faced with what seems at times like the only way through, the classic path of ‘selling your soul’ in order to survive in the industry, a path carved out by gatekeepers for their own benefit, emanate is a breath of fresh air in the lungs of the creator-economy.

I’m not one to hype things up for no reason — I have truly found a home for my music with emanate. I feel a sense of connection within the platform, paired with a dead simple uploading process and a support team in place that adds to an already inviting experience, with minimal friction.

Emanate 2.0 [BETA] — fresh design for Artist Profiles

Listen to Aeon Void here

The biggest aspect of emanate for me currently, is the real-time payment protocol that is well worth mentioning! With it, the pressure is taken off of having to solely rely on the classic ‘go-to’ for streaming, which we all know struggle to even attempt in having the artists best interest in mind. With emanate I feel a part of the platform, rather than being a bricklayer, helping someone else build their own kingdom through my efforts.

BETA: Excitement Overload

Emanate’s NFT Layer
emanates NFT Layer — ETH/Poly

The Web3 space is a reflection of the universe itself, ever changing and expanding. One thing is for sure, NFTs are here to stay. With the release of BETA, no lie, it’s been a solid 15 years since I’ve experienced such childlike excitement. I felt a ceiling had been reached within general entertainment and the way we consume content. So for a platform such as emanate, already in the deep end of Web3, to add an NFT streamable layer with added access to their respectable marketplaces, will most definitely tip the scales in favour of the independent path being more achievable than ever.

Personally, being part of the emanate community, I feel a massive weight lifted off my shoulders. It feels like I can finally get back to what’s important, making music & building community, without having to worry about how I need to produce music within a rigid mindset of ‘what is popular/marketable’ / ‘what will sell’.

I think we are on the cusp of a creative revolution, seeing artists truly express themselves in a far more honest manner, with emanate in the forefront of providing that opportunity for independent artists such as myself to thrive in this new and exciting landscape we all find ourselves in.

I have been hooked on everything Web3, Music3, Emanate and MODA, and I feel it is fast becoming a lifestyle for me. I am extremely grateful and blessed to be a part of these communities; to be able to assist and contribute wherever possible. ‘The Projekt’ I have going is fully web3 based. It includes the music I make along with a portal design that showcases visuals I create in touch designer, and is all narrative based & involves an evolution of sorts over time. I’ve started a Web3 label, with intent to release my own music through and to use as a bridge for web2 artists wanting to see what it’s like on the dark side of the moon. ‘First Compilation’ out in the first half of this year, on Emanate of course.

— Aeon Void

A community that instantly rewards artists and music lovers for their creative expression and dedication to music.

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electronic musician, content writer // _beyond the veil.