Emanate uncovers “Joe Bruce”

From the tiny state of Rhode Island, Joe Bruce is connecting on a higher level.

5 min readMar 7, 2020


Tell us about yourself?

Honestly, I’m a big ass kid. Born and raised in Providence Rhode Island, as much as I love my hometown I’ve always felt like a citizen of the world . I’m a father , partner , and friend first and I’d say artistry is a close 2nd.

How did you get your artist name?

Well “Joe Bruce” is my actual name. “The Waterbearer” speaks to being an Aquarius (sun sign) But also the disposition I tend to write from . I like to bring the listener something new always , and there isn’t much more important than water.

How did your love for music start?

I started writing in the 6th or 7th grade. I was a popular loner. Writing was a way to express myself as a young kid when I couldn’t really do it any other way . I met one of my best friends (Clarkwork) when we were freshmen in high school and we started recording.

How did you find out about Emanate?

I found out about Emanate through a friend Jerry Lenus (Riseofkingfresh). He was so enthusiastic about the future of emanate it grabbed my attention. I had also been on a search for “what’s next “ in music and it could very well be Emanate .

Talk about your latest release.

The song “Bodies” produced by ClarkWork, is awesome. We had met up in a really unusual spot and he played the beat and I knew it was a hit. The “brought it back cause you needed that…” and hook came to me instantly. The song is really about the corpses we leave behind as a people whether that be animal extinction , planet depletion , or each other.

Are you hoping to be a full time music professional? Or is this just a hobby?

Music has never really been a hobby for me. I’m kind of known for being an “all or nothing “ type of person but genuinely I’ve always taken music very seriously and everyday we get closer to living completely off music and investments.

Left: Joe Bruce @| WBRU Live Session | Right: Joe Bruce Portrait

How did you know you wanted to be a rapper?

Between the ages of 18 and 25. I got to a point where I never thought Id make music again. My music friends moved across the country, I started a family and career in investments but ultimately it wasn’t me. Id say about a year and a half to 2 years in on this comeback I realised music was a part of my life’s purpose and I decided nothing would stop me.

Who are your influences?

I really love Jack Johnson writing because he can say so much with so little and I love it. Ne-yo is also one of the greatest writers of all time in my opinion, I grew up on his first two albums . I also grew up a big Jay- Z fan and reasonable doubt is my favourite rap album ever.

What are your musical goals?

I try to stay fluid because as we grow as people our perspectives change so I try to stay flexible enough to leave goals that no longer serve me and add new ones when the time is right. Right now though I really want to bring a Grammy home for best Rap album, and the best part about it will be seeing all my people who’ve sacrificed with me get theirs.

What artist would you like to collab with in the future?

So many to choose from, I don’t want to leave anyone off the list so you’ll have to wait until we start working with them !

Left: Clementine Album pack shot | Centre: Joe Bruce Portrait | Right:Bodies single pack shot

What achievement are you most proud?

Establishing a record label and signing my self as the first artist was everything , it was a symbol for how I approach my life everyday. I will bet on myself and my people before I wait for someone to deem me worthy of a record deal.

If you were to give advice to on up and coming artist what would it be?

Don’t watch other people, be genuine , if you don’t like it say no , allow yourself to grow , don’t share music before it’s done, create meaningful art that matters to you and others. Music is for the people .


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