emanate x Forming: Metaverse Recap

Last week emanate and Forming hosted a party in the metaverse, featuring live music, NFT giveaways and real rewards.

Pat Lewis
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2023


To kick off 2023, Web3 music streaming platform emanate teamed up with Forming, Juicebox & Lexicon Devils to throw a massive party in the metaverse. The virtual party was another great example of how Web3 and Metaverse events are putting the power back in the hands of creators, who were paid for the performances in real time, for everyone to see.

Each artist performing was airdropped a split of the money raised using the Juicebox Protocol — which by the time the party wrapped up, was somewhere in the region of 2.5 ETH. For some of the artists performing, this was their first time getting paid for a live set, let alone playing in a metaverse.

“For the first time ever, I paid my bills with music, thanks to that party. I’m pretty chuffed.”

— Laminar

As musicians continue to suffer under the strain of touring, metaverse performances like this one are a light at the end of the tunnel. Fans and artists still have an opportunity to come together, regardless of where they are in the world, and enjoy music. With the rising cost of living affecting punters and the logistical nightmare that even a modest tour represents, Metaverse events are an alternative.

“For me to put on a live show, even with a watered down setup, I’m lucky to break even. Metaverse events mean I can put on a show at almost no cost; still connect with fans and still get rewarded. That wasn’t really possible just a few years ago.”

— Swaré

While metaverse events are still relatively rudimentary, their implications are clear. And while metaverse events won’t completely replace live music events, they’re a great addition to the music ecosystem that is likely only to improve as adoption increases.

“For the past five years, I’ve been a part of the emanate community, which has always been at the forefront of creating innovative tools and breaking down barriers to empower musicians. I took part in the event with the Forming and the Lexicon Devils team, which was an incredible party to kick off 2023. Working with the Lexicon Devils for the second time has given me the opportunity to expose my music to a wider audience, connect with new fans, and learn about emerging platforms in the web3 space like juicebox.money. Additionally, the metaverse provides new opportunities for people in economic, physical or mental distress to participate in socially rewarding experiences that otherwise would not have access to/be able to take part of.”

— DJ Lethal Skillz

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