Getting to know: warner case



warner case has been building quite the name for himself in recent months. The New York native has appeared on lineups alongside the likes of Disclosure, Flight Facilities and Dom Dolla; with no sign of slowing down any time soon. We were lucky enough to catch up with the multi-instrumentalist to ask him a few questions, to learn a little bit more about the real warner case.

Hey warner! Tell us about yourself?

I’m a dance music producer, cat lover, amateur yeast specialist, and pogo stick enthusiast.

How long have you been producing music?

10+ years. I’ve been good for about one or two of them.

What led you to produce electronic music?

I’m a classically-trained percussionist, and I was tired of relying on lazy bandmates to make things happen. Electronic production allowed me autonomy and creative liberation.

Also, I keep all the money.

How would you describe your music and what message do you want your music to carry?

I make dance music that sometimes gets the party going, sometimes makes you miss your ex, sometimes makes you want to have sex.

If I had a message, it’d be: ‘emotions are awesome, love is even better.

Where do you find inspiration?


Are you working on anything now that you would be excited to tell us about?

I just released my ‘stargazing (like I always do)’ EP, which I’m really proud of, and always have about 100 demos in the works. I’m excited about it all, and I hope you like all of it too.

What are your music goals for this year and long term?

This year: play lots of shows and meet amazing people at them, keep making music I’m proud of that y’all like long term; play lots of shows and meet amazing people at them. Keep making music I’m proud of that y’all like.

Are there any places you hope to play, artists you want to collaborate with, or dream labels you hope to release on?

Places: pretty much everywhere. The internet has spread my music to the whole world, which is crazy… and I hope I can play shows for fans everywhere, not just the major cities.

Artists: Diplo, Jamie xx, Billy Corgan, Calvin Harris, Romare… there’s so much talent out there.

Dream Labels: I don’t care about labels unless they’re good people who value art and artists.

How did you hear about emanate?

Through my managers. They seem pretty stoked about it, and the idea seems pretty great.

What advice would you give to other artists just getting started?

Sounds trite, but seriously: be yourself. We don’t need a million copies of whatever musician is currently popular. We need honest music that expresses honest emotion. Only YOU feel the way you do, and only if you express that IN YOUR OWN WAY will you create a genuine connection to your audience. If your music doesn’t sound like anything else you’ve ever heard, don’t change it.

Remix warner case’s stargazing (like I always do)’ right now

