How To Get Featured: on emanate

If you want to get your music featured on emanate, it isn’t just about having great music (but that definitely helps).

Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2022


So you want to get your music featured on emanate? Well you’re in luck. Because in this article, we’ll be showing you how to optimise your emanate profile to increase your chances of getting featured on emanate Sessions, in written articles, artist interviews or spotlighted on our homepage.

So you have probably noticed by now that there are lot of seriously talented creators on emanate, but some stand out more than others, and that’s because they have optimised their profile for success.

By optimising your emanate profile, you’re telling emanate and new listeners one very important thing: You’re serious about what you do.

So let’s get started.

Optimising your profile is important for a number of reasons. It’s your chance to show new fans who you are as an artist, what you represent, and how new fans can learn more about you as a creator. You can do this by connecting your socials, telling us who you are in your biography or showing off your style with an eye catching photo.

While all of these fields are optional, leaving them blank significantly reduces your chances of being discovered and shared amongst new audiences, so it’s a good idea to fill out your profile completely.

Think about it this way:

If you discover some new music from an artist you haven’t heard before and decide to check out more of their music on emanate, Spotify or Apple Music, only to find their profile is out of date or has little to no information, you’re going to assume that this artist doesn’t really care about their reputation.

And it’s no surprise that people generally don’t take those artists too seriously. But you’re not that kind of artist, right?

For our example, we’ll be looking at the artist profile Swaré.

To begin optimising your emanate profile, click the drop down menu in the top right corner and select ‘Account’.

Straight away we can see that Swaré has uploaded a clear, high quality profile picture and banner images. You will note that there are two fields for banner images available. One is for the desktop version of emanate, and the other is for the emanate iOS and Android app.

It is completely up to you what images you want to use, but high quality images that show off who your style as an artist are recommended. This doesn’t mean roping in a photographer for an expensive photoshoot; smart phones are your friend.

But it should go without saying that dark, grainy, amateur selfies should be a last resort.

Now it’s time to write a biography.

This is the first thing new fans will look at after they have discovered your music, so leaving it blank is a sure way for new fans to lose interest.

Our advice: Keep it short and sweet. But Biographies don’t need to be boring! They’re another chance for you to show off your personality and style, but should answer four basic questions:

1. Who are you?

2. Where you are from?

3. How or why did you get started in music?

4. Plus any notable career achievements

Remember you can write this in any style you like. You might decide to sound professional and write it in third person:

*Artist Name* started performing in 2020 when they met at a gig in *Hometown*.

Or maybe you want to sound more direct as if it’s written by you or the band:

*Your Artist Name* started writing music when we met at *Your Home Town*. Since then we’ve been playing ever since!

It’s entirely up to you how you want to come across in a biography. Just take the time to include the most important bits and don’t be afraid to show off some of your style.

This one is pretty straight forward, but you’d be surprised how often it gets overlooked. emanate has made it really simple for you to include any and all links to whichever social services you or your band use, so make sure to include them all. That being said, if you have a social platform that isn’t up to scratch or you aren’t using regularly, think twice about including it. If a potential new fan clicks through to your Twitter account only to see that it’s empty and neglected, you can leave it off the list.

Think of your emanate profile as the front door to your house and these potential new fans as guests you’re inviting in. If one of the bedrooms is a mess, leave that door shut for now until you’ve tidied it up.

emanate provides space for you to share the following platforms with new fans:

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Discord
  • Website

This gives new fans a chance to follow you on other social platforms and stay in touch with you as an artist in the future. Not only that, emanate can help promote you across different social platforms if you do get picked as a feature!

Pro-Connect users can get in touch with the emanate team directly and request a feature. We want to support or Pro-Connect users and say thanks because they believe in what emanate is doing, so if you are a Pro-Connect user with 10,000 EMT staked: get in touch and tell us about your project!

Pro-Connect users: Tell us why the emanate community needs to hear you.

Now it’s time to go freshen up that profile and get yourself featured.

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